My ringneck has laid an egg what to do ?

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My ringneck has laid an egg what to do ?

Post by Melindalea »

I noticed Monday lunch time my ringneck had laid her first egg in her breeding box, just wondering how long before she should lay her next one ? Her tail seems to be going up and down but she is eating and looks ok ? Is there any thing else I should be doing , besides making sure she has a lot of fresh fruit veg and water. How do you know when she has finished laying her clutch also, how long should she be sitting on her eggs each day ?
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Re: My ringneck has laid an egg what to do ?

Post by InTheAir »

Hi there,

If you try reposting your questions in the section of the forum called "Breeding IRNs", someone knowledgeable on this aspect of care will probably notice your post.

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