IRN hurts Aunt

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IRN hurts Aunt

Post by Caruso »

I'm new here, but I need advise on a problem.
I was in my bedroom w/ Caruso, My IRN, when my aunt came in, well Cruso puffed up his feathers, flew at her, landed on her shoulder and began to bite her :o well I got him off her and put him in his cage.
Why do you think he did this? He never did it before. :?
Do you think that maybe when she clipped his nails in October( I think) she accidently cut one to short and he’s still mad at her?
Please advise me.

Post by Caruso »

I don't know what to do.
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Post by fred.e »

Normally I'd write a long message, but the first step is very simple..

Clip it's wings :)

It's commonly written, that if you want to train a bird it is very important that the wings are clipped otherwise they can chose to not listen to you and decide to fly away from you.

That'd sort out the flying problem.. I guess then your aunt can build a relationship with the bird..
daisy chain


Post by daisy chain »

It was funny to me after I read your post, the same thing happened to me. About a year after I had my IRN I clipped her wings. From that day on she has hated me. she used to snuggle around me and sit on me and follow me where ever I went. Since that day she has bit me numerous times, (lot's of blood) I almost needed stitches for my ear a few weeks ago. All of the hostility started after I clipped her wings. She barely tolerates me.

Post by Caruso »

I just bought Clicker Training and I hope that it will help.
Caruso got his wings clipped last Friday by the Vet, I get Scarred at the thought of cutting a blood feather(*shivers*).
Do you think Caruso is a Male or a Female?
In these pics he is about 19-21 months old.

Sorry about the Quality.
My camera is dying :roll:
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Post by brownbeak »

Female i'd say, unless it developes a definate coloured ring around it's neck, (ring is not same color as rest of bird) 1-3 years for maturity to set in, or 4 moultings to get it's mature feathers
Pepi, our supposed green indian ringneck has a brownbeak,orange eyelids, and flesh coloured feet. Strange I thought :-)
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Post by Caruso »

Hi, I’ve just signed up.
I did do some research on IRNs and at first we thought that Caruso was a male, now we’re not so sure.
I would have had him for two years on 8/02.
I will say that since he got his wings clipped he’s been a different bird.
and to day when me aunt walked into the room and Caruso was loose, he didn't do anything. he didn't puff up his feathers, he didn't go after her, he sat there and watched.
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