Indian Ringneck Adoption

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Indian Ringneck Adoption

Post by lorrainecottrelle »

Hello all:
I recently adopted at 18 month old male Indian Ringneck. My original intent was to purchase a baby from a reputable breeder so I would have a friendly companion for life, but saw an ad for 18 month old, very friendly male IRN. I made the 2 1/2 hr drive out to meet 'Toby' and his current owners. They had raised a wonderful, friendly bird, who talked up a storm...even though he refused to say a word during the 3hr visit I made to their home. On the way home sitting in the front seat with me, and sharing a sesame bagel with light cream cheese, Toby gave me the run down of all the words he knew :D . After our 2 1/2 hr ride home, I introduced Toby to his new home. I read tons of information, and discussed with breeders what to do once I got him home; leave him alone?; try to get him used to us?...all my discussions and everything I read suggested to let the new bird decide how to handle the first couple days. If he seemed fearful, or panicked, talk to him and be a 'presence', but don't scare him further until he was used to his new environment. To our suprise and delight, it was as though Toby had been with us since day 1...he was happy to 'step up', and 'give kisses' - he loved his new home and all his toys. I left his cage door open and he was more than happy to explore his surrounding and was NEVER nervous...until NOW!!
He has been with us for about a month now, and has just started running away from me when I try to play with him; once I have him he is happy to get scratched for an hour, and give me kisses, etc...but he clearly doesn't want me to 'catch' him (or it has become a game?!) - he NEVER bites or even attempts to, but he runs away. He has also stopped talking for the most part. Every once and a while I'll hear a 'Hello Tob" and often still whistles (the typical wolf whistle); but for the most part has stopped talking :( He doesn't seem discontent at all; he is still as curious as always and enjoys exploring and getting into 'stuff'.
Wonder if anyone has experienced a similar situation after adopting an 'older' IRN?? Any advice would be more than welcome...thank you in advance for any help :-)
Sorry for the long message...wanted to get in all the details
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