Moody thing...!

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Moody thing...!

Post by Little_Bailey »

Bailey is being real moody lately, everytime i try to get him off my arm he crawls up as far as he can n i try to move him down n then he bites me...and hard! then i have to get someone else to get him off me...? He is also really hard to get off his play gym i pretty much have to grab him off. he does it with everyone. And i have my cousins from england living with us, n my cousin daniel is 12 and bailey HATES him....everytime daniel goes near the cage or goes to hold him, him lunges and tries to bite him or runs at him with his eyes pinning n i know daniel has not done anything to hurt or offend him cause i watch him when he plays with u think he is bluffing??? he is about 4-5 months old now? any adive would really really help...! thanks.
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Post by kyria »

I reckon these little blighters try to bluff at any age stage, time of day or night. Firstly dont back off from making him step up or come to you or come off you and don't have someone else do it. When you go to get him, MAKE HIM, even if you have to use a fist or be a little forceful with a growl word, don't ever back off. Roll your hand out of the bite but make! that baby do what you intended to start with.

If he is really bad use a treat in your fingers as you ask him to step up, mainly to distract the bite, it worked a treat (heheh get it) a treat :roll: for Kai.

With Daniel, try Daniel with a treat also, I mean let daniel give Bailey his treats for a while silly .. lol .. bad wording on my part huh! .. to try and make Bailey see that Daniel is part of the happy group too.

Cheers !
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Post by Neokireina »

Umm It seems to me that your already using force to move your bird. He wants to stay, you want him to move. He gets mad and tries to bite, then there is more drama.

Be careful he doesnt associate your hand with a bad experience. Yes you shoudnt back down when your bird tries to bite, but you also have to work at building up trust. Work on getting your bird to want to come to you, want to step up when you ask.

This past week my birds have been in their cage alot because my soon to be in laws are staying with us. And these birds used to always step up and fly to me when I called them and so on. Lately tho, When I ask them to step up they KNOW they are going back in the cage and of course dont want that so they fly off.

My job now is to re-establish the trust. I need to enforce in their little heads that coming to me does not equal going back into the cage. Instead when the come to me instead of knowing they are going back in the cage, they know they will have some fun time with me or get a treat.

This may not be your exact problem, but think about how it might relate to you, If it doesnt relate at all post again. It's up to people to get to know their birds, there isnt always one answer for one problem. Each bird is different.

As for trying to solve your problem, treat him when you take him off your shoulder or off his stand. Put treats in his cage so he may start to think about that when he goes back. Ok no more time with mum but at least I've got treats here..
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Post by kyria »

thanks Neo.. of course! you treat him or give him a kiss and praise when he responds well :D
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Post by Little_Bailey »

Thanks for the advice, really helping! il keep you posted on what happens...
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