Two bird house hold

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Two bird house hold

Post by sharonmm »

Hi all,

I just joined up here and was hoping to get some advice...

I have an 11 month oldAlexandrine (Jazz) who is a sweetie steps up, never bites and is in the other room telling me he is a good boy. As of 2 weeks ago I also have a new little bird, 11 week old IRN (Rio).

My problem is they don't seem to want to interact with each other. To be honest Rio wants to go to Jazz but Jazz is just afraid and flies off any time Rio makes a move (even its away!). This is all outside of the cage, they have separate cages at the moment but have high hopes of housing them together. If they do come close to each other they get pretty aggressive, fluff up etc etc.

Any ideas? Is it too early to give up or is there a chance they could be best buds?
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Post by Mikaela »

Well first off, welcome to the board. Save us to your favorites hun, you will be glad you did. Please, read old posts and learn all you can or you dont stand a chance. :lol:

O what fun... a new ringneck owner *contains her laughter* Im sorry, really. It is just that I didnt do my research on ringnecks before I bought one because there was little info out there. So let me be the one to tell you... Your life will never be the same. It now belongs to your ringneck.

When you eat, you'll think about him, when you bathe you think about how much fun they'd be having in there with you. When you are out with friends, you will want to go home to see your ringneck. Yes, that is how consuming they are but once you fall in love, you dont care. In fact, you roll with it and dress them up in little outfits like Datsun and I and take them everywhere you go so you dont have to miss them. I know, it sounds sick, and it is. :oops: But we love our babies! Dont give us a hard time about it. :wink:

As far as them getting along. If you want your other bird to remain with two eyes, keep them apart. Ringnecks are MEAN, Im sorry but no other way to put it.

Think of a pitbull with feathers... well, there ya have it. So, you must handle at least a few hours a day. AT LEAST. Or they revert back to the wild very quickly.

This is how I introduce new birds, it works for me, some may think its wack... whatever.

When I get a new bird, I allow the new baby to get 'on' not 'in' the older birds cage. They then, climb the bars to check eachother out and if they decide to strike the bars seperate them so no luck. After they can play like that and I see they really want to be with eachother I take them onto the floor with me. I then let them play, even if they are beaking, as long as I see it is just that, not striking out to hurt.

Rinse, repeat.
~ Mikaela Sky

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Post by Neokireina »

Hrm. My advice.

Keep them housed seperatly.

Give them time to adjust to being part of the same flock

Keep a close eye on them when they are out of the cage together.

Watch your birds for signs as to how they feel about each other. They MAY change and begin to get really close to each other and they MAY NOT. Each bird has it's own personality.

Just be ready to accept your birds and love them no matter if they are friends or not.

As much as I hate admitting errors on my part I will because we can all learn from someones mistakes. Mind you I am GUESSING what happened I dont actually know for sure.

I left my baby ringneck in a cage I built, in a room with free flying birds. My sun conures chewed the zip ties holding the wire onto the cage. The wire came off, the suns got in. I assume for the soaked seed. You would be amazed at the small spaces they can fit though. I assume there was an altercation and my baby ringneck now has a beak shaped hole in it's beak. I wasnt sure of this and still am not sure, the baby could have injured itself some other way.

Lesson one, dont use zip ties.
Lesson two, dont keep new birds together unattended.
Lesson three, these birds are beginning to get along well now.
Hopefully Growls will become part of the flock once she is weaned. It takes time for birds to accept new members into their flock.
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Post by Mikaela »

I have zip ties on the little doors to Baby's cage :oops:

*learns vicariously through others and removes them*
~ Mikaela Sky

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Post by Carly »

You may eventually be able to house them together (provided cage is adequate and the birds get along), but in the meantime maybe work towards allowing shared playtime in a neutral location like a playstand. Sounds like your alex is a sweetie! It might just take Jazz some time to get used to having another bird around. good luck!
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Post by Rick_in_PDX »

I read alot of the old post, but I didnt really see anything that could answere some of my questions being a new ringneck owner,
We also have other birds 3 Quakers (true pit bull birds LOL) and 4 'tiels I just got a ringneck about 3 hrs ago, she was in a bad situation and hasnt been handled in a wile (2-4 months) she is approx 2-3 yrs old, we havnt named her yet (I like the name Peaches but the wife isnt keen on that one)
Question one, foods?... do the same no-no foods apply to the IRN, that apply to the QP?, is ther any must have foods? now please dont let this get into a seed vs pellet diet
Question, Sleep hrs?...... I work from home and can let her have as much as she needs, does the 10-12 hr rule apply?
Question, I have read that the IRN isnt a bather like say. our QP's are is this true?. should I offer bath time?.....
Question, Clipping, do the wings clip the same as a Quaker?. should I leave any flights? or cut them all?
Question Beak trimming......?...... natural or do I need my vet to assist?
Question Perch sizes?. offer several diff sizes in her cage or keep one size, if so how big?
Question, interaction? can I alow her to interact with our Qp's. or will she be best let out alone (side note: of our quakers only one is tame, the other two are abused rescues and they dont like people all that much yet)
Question, mood swings?. are they as moody as a quaker can be?
and last but not lest, how long should I have her before I clip her wings, and alow her to roam about her new home/play area, should I remove her from the cage she came with and start from scratch here?, or let her have her cage and just work with her from it? should I let her explore the room without any other birds in it?. (she has been making some strange sounds to our QP allready) Oh and where can I find a link that can help me identify what all these new sounds and body movements meen?.........
Thank you everyone/anyone for reading this and forgive me for being long winded
3 Quakers ~Wilson~Maddie~Lilly
1 Ringneck ~Rosie

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Post by sharonmm »

Thanks for the replies. Owning an Alexandrine for the last 10 months is certainly and eye opener!

I guess my only option is to perservere, Jazz (the alex) is very well trained he knows when he is in trouble, however Rio (IRN) boldly goes where no bird has gone before. Currently they meet out of their cage on a play stand. As long as they are eathing their fav food (apple) all is well, it's only when they meet over the pine cone they have trouble.

I think Jazz is just still getting to use to things and once Rio learns some manners things might go a little better. I must say the IRN I got has a beautiful temperament, doesn't bite and knows how to step up already (he knows it leads to getting out of his cage). If anyone is looking to buy one in Australia I would recommended Phil Robson without hesitation....

I might post some photos soon on the intro board:)
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Post by Neokireina »

NEVER trim your birds BEAK. **IF** your bird has a problem with it's beak growing to long take it to an avian vet.

The same nono foods are avocado, chocolate, alcohol and so on.
Make sure they have a lot of fresh fruit and veg.
I wouldnt worry too much about sleep, this is a GUIDE not a RULE.
Ringnecks usually like to bathe in a dish of water, There are other threads pertaining to this.
Same with the wing clipping, Trim gradually BOTH WINGS until the bird flutters down to the ground without hurting itself. Each species of bird is slightly different. Also This may vary due to wing strength. So make sure you watch it fly more than once before trimming more.
Perch sizes can vary to pretty much anything your bird can comfortably grab a hold of.
Yes they can get very moody. Depends on the Individual bird though.
As for spending time with other birds this is also discussed more in other threads. Let them spend time together out of the cage SUPERVISED. House them seperatly until you are sure they get along very well. But if you dont need to put them together its best to keep them in their seperate cages and play together outside the cages.
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Post by Melika »

Psht, seed vs. pellet? We say down with both and up with fresh! :D Our IRNs get moody if they have too many pellets in any given day. They're healthier and happier on veggies and fruits. :wink:
Same no-nos as any other parrot.

Sleep is relative. Hane has been getting maybe 7-9 hours of dark this past week and oddly enough he's been the nicest ever, lol. But he sleeps even when the lights are on, lol, so how much sleep he's getting I don't know. I'm in FL so our day/night ratio is pretty level with part of India- and normally he sleeps and wakes up to the sun's rythm. ^^

Some like to bathe, some don't. Hane hates baths but he loves a shower from the hose or shower. He definitely prefers the hose though. And drying off in the sun.

IRNs are great flyers, so all the primaries can go. Always both wings though. And you can do a fly test to see how severe the cut needs to be, of course, like Neo said.

You should never need to trim your birds beak if it has enough soft wood and such to destroy (perches, toys, cuttlebone). Unless of course it had an injury or deformation, or just doesn't chew enough.

Always give multiple perch sizes. Including the playgym, trees outdoors, and cage ours stand on anything 5/8" to 1/2". Sometimes 1", but they can't grip it too well.

Interaction will depend on all of your birds. IRNs can be a little aggressive (Hane is a food hog and won't let any birds near the dish). After quaratine, test and see how they get along. I know quakers can be territorial as well, so be prepared to have a separate playstand for your IRN if needed.

Yes, they can be just as moody. Ours are usually only moody now when they're tired or you interrupt their dinner. But they're getting better with age. ^^

Some birds do best when you change their surroundings on them, so they're less defensive of their new homes. But some need the comfort. As for wing clipping, as standard a frightened flighted bird won't let you near eenough to work with. And also some IRNs regress when they're clipped. So you may just want to clip her now so you won't have any regression later. You can let her roam as soon as she can come out of the cage. I don't see the need to remove the quakers from the room, but don't let your new IRN sit or climb on their cages (they may bite off her toes).

I think that was all of them, lol. I know some were answered already but I just kinda went down the list.
I've been called 'birdbrained' before, but somehow I don't think this is what they meant. say:hah-nay
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Post by Rick_in_PDX »

thank you for the info, My wife and I are bird people, and we know how to handle a Quaker, the IRN came to use from a bad situation, our goal is to have a bird that can be alowed to be out, we hate to see cagebound birds, none of ours even the ones that we cannot handle are alowed to be out of thier cages...... So the bottom line as I see it, these IRN are to be treaded the same way as we would our Quakers, we tend to spoil all our "fids" lol
3 Quakers ~Wilson~Maddie~Lilly
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Post by Melika »

I think we all spoil our dogs- er BIRDS, I mean birds. *cough* Don't know why I typed dogs... :shock:

So maybe we spoil all of our pets, lol. ^^ Hane is certainly happier the more time he spends out of his cage! And he's not nippy when he comes out all the time. He enjoys his freedom, but of course the first time he comes out he can't do it alone, he must let me bring him out. That's his only condition on coming out, lol.
I've been called 'birdbrained' before, but somehow I don't think this is what they meant. say:hah-nay
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