Took Bingo to the vet

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Took Bingo to the vet

Post by kholland »

Just an update. I called the vet on Friday, worried because Bingo was eating her poo, hanging out on the bottom of the cage too much for my comfort, rarely perched on one foot, and had pretty much stopped beak grinding and chirping. They didn't have any appointments that day, so I made one for Saturday (the following day). I started wondering if she wasn't happy with her toys she had and was just bored, so I ran to the pet store and grabbed a new toy as well as some "Poop-Off" to keep her cage spotless so she had nothing to get on the floor. Let me just add that the Poop-Off is wonderful but the smell lingers and makes me want to gag. The toy I bought was an instant hit, and Bingo perked up and behaved "normally." By the time bedtime rolled around, I was wondering if I really needed to go to the vet after all, but I kept the appointment anyway.

So I took Bingo to the vet on Saturday morning, and the vet couldn't find any concerns at all. He looked at her poo sample I brought and found no yeast, which was good to hear since the original checkup had shown "budding yeast." I had given her yogurt over the course of the week, and all seemed well in that department. He asked before I left if my worries had been alleviated, and I told him the truth: that I felt better that he found nothing wrong but that it wasn't an absolute assurance. YKWIM? Still, if something should happen to my feathered sweetheart now, at least I know that I did all I could by taking her to the vet and having her looked over.

Now her latest behavior issue is that she does a LOT of pacing the bottom of the cage. As soon as I take her out of the cage she starts leaning toward the playstand I made, and if she is within a foot or so she takes a leap onto it. I'm thinking her pacing is a bit of a birdie temper tantrum, telling me that she wants to be out on her playstand. :) At least I know that she likes what I've made for her.
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Location: Roy, UT

Post by wrynsmom »

Glad all is well! It's a scary thing when you're not sure why they are acting as they do . . .

My Fiona paces when she wants out, then flaps her wings to get my attention. I made a playstand out of an old quilt rack. She thinks it's her own private toy. She freaks when anyone else is on it! hahaha

Again, happy your baby is well.
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