Cage too small?

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Cage too small?

Post by swimmy_110 »

Well i'm new at hunting for large parrot cages and was hoping all you experienced, intelligent parrents could help a newbie out?

Okay cage #1 - ... 7C294%3A50
L 61.5 cm x W 56.5 cm x H 100 cm
1.5 Spacing ... icture_top
L 104 cm x W 78.5 cm x H 176 cm
(With Roof Play Area and Seed Skirt)
20mm Spacing ... 7C294%3A50
L 80 cm x W 57 cm x H 165 cm

2.5 Spacing

I'm usually home all day\night so the cage will be used as a roosting area mainly - decked with toys of course ;)- unless i can't be home to supervise playtime,

Thanks again
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Post by Fah »

Honestly, the cages are quite large (good) for an IRN indeed, however the bar spacing on those two later models is too wide, have never had good experiences over a long term basis with anything wider than bar spacing of 1.75cm, 1.5 is ideal.

The wider spacing can and does cause wing breaks, and if you have had a bird in a wide bar space for a couple of years, great, but considering cages often last 10+ years, and your bird lasts 20+ if you are doing it all right, then thats alot of time to experiecne a wing break.

Below is a guide previously posted in a topic on the forum I found using the search tool. ... esizes.htm

Hope that helps.
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Post by swimmy_110 »

Uh forgive me if i'm wrong but isn't 1.5cm = 0.06 in & 2.5cm = 1 in?

*i forgot to add the spacings for cage 1# & 3# should have been cms* :oops:

...but if the cages are too wide guess it's back to searching again lol.
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Post by Fah »

Yes, (one too many 0's as a typo though) 1.5cm is 0.6th of an inch, and 2.5cm is one inch...

But the reccomended sizes are 1/2" to 5/8" (half inch to 5/8th's of an inch).

Making 1.5cm(fine) to 1.75cm(not ideal but workable) max from experience if what you will want to use for safety and enjoyability of the bird. Anything larger than this can pose a risk, and I have heard of a fair few pet birds experience broken wings due to bad bar spacings for their species.

Often this is how those cages on ebay are so cheap... they are actually low priced large parrot cages (easier and cheaper to make)... the closer the bars are the more metal there is, and more cost as a side effect in those large wrought iron cages.

There isnt a problem that I can see regarding your first option.
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Post by AiSell »

Just look that one - really good stuff
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Post by Thomisco7 »


I Think Your 3rd Link Is Good Enough

<3 Sam Already :lol:
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