play ladders or whatever you would call them

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play ladders or whatever you would call them

Post by Dolphinheart »

After seeing a few spread out thru the posts of pcitures of the stands that seem to be play ladders /areas was wondering if we coudl get a few in one spot - i am gettig my hubby to make one up for our little ones :).
Just interested in what people put on them and how they set them up.
Do people set them up to be left for hours (therefore food and water available) or jsut for an exercise area??

cheers people
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Play areas

Post by Janet »


My birds won't stay on their play gym. They like to climb up and hang upside down for a while but would prefer to be wandering around the room. No matter how attractive I make it, they still find better things to do. They can fly now but even when their wings were clipped they would just glide down and off they would wander!

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Post by Dolphinheart »

Fair enough Janet but i do not have the luxury of letting mine just go off and do their own thing with out supervison as i have cats and a dag and while the dog is not going to hurt them the cats might.
I want to set up a play area that i can have around me wheni am in my craft room or watching tv or doing my correspondance onteh computer and can keep an eye out for them but not my whole attention.
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Post by julie »

I would put some toys in the cage rather than have them out without your full attention with cats and dogs around. Its too easy to loose a bird without full attention being paid in that kind of situation.
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Wandering birds

Post by Janet »

My birds are always supervised when they are out of their cage. I have a dog, too, but I don't trust him not to get too friendly with my birds as he is only 10 months old. I have tried to keep my IRNs contained in an area in the room with no luck. When I am using my laptop, they like to walk over the keyboard or watch the changes on the monitor. I also have key F12 missing because it was picked off by a helpful parrot! If I am writing or doing something else with my hands, my parrots love to help. Trying to write while the pen is being chewed is a bit of a challenge. Good luck if you can keep them contained!!!
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