Aviary with hardware cloth??

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Aviary with hardware cloth??

Post by babybuggerz »

Hi Guys. I am new to the sight and to ringnecks and I have a delemma. I have built a 7' by 4' by 3 1/2' deep aviary. It is really nice, with custom glass front window, full spectrum lights, slide out floor, and crown mouldings. Think it cost me a thousand to build. Wish my dogs didn't spill coffee on my camera I could post picks. My question is 1/2" hardware cloth safe for ringnecks, can they bite through it for that matter?
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Post by Fah »

It is unfortunately not good for the birds if its what I think it is.

Both hardware and industrial cloth materials are not recommended for animal cages because the galvanizing is highly toxic, and unlike standard galvalized mesh and other aviary wires, it breaks off from the base structure with regular use, which when you have birds flying onto it, climbing over it with their beaks etc.. I can easily see ringnecks breaking tiny bits off through use, and possibly finding it curious as it does so leading to further ingestion.

I dont know any hardware cloth that is good for birds unfortuantely except for use in finch cages etc, animals too light to have an impact on the mesh.
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Post by catschair2 »

Mine are too busy chewing on the wood in their cage to be interested in the wire. Fingers crossed they stay that way. I have a fairly small mesh (since I used the same size for each of my flights, including the small birds) and my ringies cannot really get a good chomp on it!
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