bibou playing statue

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bibou playing statue

Post by selma »

Well this was just too weird. My husband finally made it back from his trip early this morning. Went straight to the cage to say hi to bibou and bibou just stretched his neck out soooooooooo long but sat quietly cos he was still sleepy i guess. Anyway at 7 i brought him down cos he started chatting away like crazy and then he went to sit under our bed like a little statue....and sat and sat and sat for nearly 3 hours until his daddy finally got up. Now what is that weird behaviour all about? He used to do that when we first got him about 4 months ago...just sit and stare at nothing for an hour and this is the first time after a long time that he did it again. I thought maybe he wanted to make sure daddy was really back and not going away again. As i said before he adores his daddy so could this be possible? He gets so excited everytime my husband comes back and while he's unpacking bibou is just everywhere...inside the suitcase...chewing the suitcase... :roll:
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Post by Mikaela »

Wing and leg (stretching) greeting is a common way for all birds to say Hello, so glad to see you. Your husband should consider himself lucky. :D

On the otherhand, sounds like birdie thought him to be gone too long and has a 'tude about it.
~ Mikaela Sky

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Post by selma »

He is indeed lucky Mikaela. He gets all the love and attention without having to clean up any poop :lol: But he does adore birdie too and always brings him back toys albeit very inappropriate at times. Today he brought back a red ceramic parrot sitting in a wooden ring. Bibou of course wants nothing to do with anything that remotely resembles a bird unless it's his own reflection in the mirror. HA HA HA.
Anyway today something AMAZING happened. As you may or may not know in the 4 months that we've had him bibou has not allowed us to touch him. Except once when he was drenched from his bath and didn't care what we did with him. :D Everytime we tried he would whip up that sharp little beak , ready to let rip. So today i came out of the kitchen to find my husband in the living room, with bibou on his leg and scratching his little head. :shock: I was gobsmacked and of course i wanted some of that too. So i sat down next to them and put my finger on top of bibou's head and said: bibou can mummy stroke your little head too? And what does the little rascal do? he whips his head around eveready to snap off a finger. Well i was not having any of that so kept trying until finally he gave in and i was able to really touch and scratch my baby's head for the first time. Oh boy ! What a breakthrough! And what a feeling! Now lets just hope he lets us do it again. With these guys you just never know.
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Post by Melika »

You really stuck to your guns. Funny that it's the man who risks petting first?! What an awesome feeling to finally touch a bird you've been working with for so long. :D
I've been called 'birdbrained' before, but somehow I don't think this is what they meant. say:hah-nay
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Post by webvixen »

my little green fellow really hated being touched for the first 8-9 months and would do any thing to get out of amrs reach. :cry:
but now at just over a year old he almost begs to be touched and lets me scratch him all over while he lets out his 'love cherps'. :D

I don't really know what the turning point was but if your upset cause your birdie wont let you touch him/her just keep trying every now and then, try to get them use to your hands and they might suprise you one day. try not to react to their bluffing!!!! i personaly think this is why men are usually the first one to pat birds(usually tougher skin)
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Post by selma »

that's true. tougher skin. well i'm happy to report that both of us were allowed to pet him again although sometimes he makes it VERY clear he's just not in the mood. :lol:
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Post by Mikaela »

There you have it! First Irn lesson complete.

YOU SHOWED HIM YOU ARE THE BOSS AND YOU WILL DO WITH HIM WHAT YOU MAY BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT THERE TO CAUSE HIM HARM. Now that he will somewhat let you touch him, work on it many many many times a day. HOWEVER, NOT WHEN HE IS IN HIS CAGE... territorial.

Major break through and I love ya for it. Every day will get better and better. God bless all of you.
~ Mikaela Sky

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