Another great toy idea!

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Another great toy idea!

Post by RubyTuesday »

I had some of these colorful plastic barettes by Goody lying around, (the snap-close kind you see little girls wearing in their hair sometimes)... Ruby loves them and chews'em up! I guess cuz they have a lot of texture and color to them. It might be fun to close them so they'll have fun re-opening them again! :D Not that expensive either... a whole pack of about 30 for like $2.99 I think.

Here's a pic of him with his err... kitty crowbar? Don't let him near your windshield... that's all I'm saying. :wink: hehe


And yes, I do believe that is indeed a cat playing a cello on the barette. :P
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Post by Mikaela »

Baby loves to play with my lttle hair clips, the real small claw/clamp kind. They love the texture of plastic, Im learning.
~ Mikaela Sky

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Post by Melika »

Good idea! Hane loves foot toys and these don't have any real dangerous parts. Nifty. ^_^
I've been called 'birdbrained' before, but somehow I don't think this is what they meant. say:hah-nay
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Post by Mikaela »

Ladies, when we allow our babies to play with things that arent actually toys, lets make sure we are watching them well.

Im not getting on to you, I am bad for it myself. Hard to take something away when they are having such a great time. Not thinking lastnight, I gave Baby a few licks off of my ice cream before realizing it was chocolate. I was rubbing what I could back off of her tongue as she looked at me like "you suck man, as the lord giveth he too takes away" haha. She is such a witch but it fits her and she wears it well.

Also, make sure we dont give them aluminum clips that are painted, for obvious reasons.

Baby has a thing for hair clips. Boo has a thing for lighters. Yeah... BOOM :cry:

What gets me though is, for my girls, they are happiest when they are playing with something that is mine. Hair tye for example, would smell like us pretty strongly to them... I think that is why they love our stuff.

Also, I had a massive state exam last week and I didnt have the normal time with my girls so they were a little loud. I put a shirt I had already worn in each of their cages and they settled right down. It has to have something to do with our smell soothing them.
~ Mikaela Sky

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Post by RubyTuesday »

I'm such a freak when it comes to letting Ruby play with anything. I guess because my last birdie died when she was only ten months old :cry:. If I hear something snap or break off, I have to inspect it to make sure he didn't actually do it and has nothing in his mouth. He's starting to really chew up the lampshade pretty good... I'm kind of freaked out about him swalling anything from that, so i've been limiting his time on it. I feel like one of those anal over-protective parents! hehe

I've actually been wondering about hair dye... I dye my hair, and sometimes Ruby likes to sit on my shoulder and chew on it whan its wet after I wash it... is this be dangerous? :roll:
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Post by Mikaela »

I use to have blond hair for a minute, yeah, I know, what was I thinking. Hubby talked me into it. Anyway, my babies preened me all the time and nothing bad ever happened.

I am back to my natural color and can promise you... blonds DO not have more fun, they only attract the undesirables, much like I imagine a breast job would. I think I am the only chick left in Florida with brown hair and an 'A' cup.

I feel sorry for natural blonds, they get a bad rap. However, in my opinion, noone can acheive a realistic natural blond from a bottle so blond is best left to those blessed with it.

Let him preen you all he wants, he'll be fine.

My husband wanted me to keep the blond so badly but I reminded him God gave me brown hair and he makes no mistakes. End of subject. I feel the same about my breasts.

Could I sway MORE off topic? :roll:
~ Mikaela Sky

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Post by RubyTuesday »

Hah, don't remind me! I used to be blonde, and believe me, I don't miss getting called "Hey Blondie!" by every construction worker, delivery boy, and drive-by renegade I passed. :shock: Besides, I feel more grounded with darker hair.

Kudos to you, though for keeping it real! 8) You can always get a blonde wig, for when your husband starts to miss the blondie in you! hehe :-P

Good to know about the hair dye though. I use Garnier, which I find to be more gentle and not metallic, unlike Feria. I have a feeling Feria is extremely potent and consentrated, which is why I stopped using it on myself. Nevermind the bird, I don't think I'd want to chew my own hair after using it! ;-)
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Post by Mikaela »

Blond wig! what a super idea! Men get into that kind of thing... like getting some strange hehe.

Ok, Im an admin, I gotta be a good girl. :?
~ Mikaela Sky

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Post by IMR4N »

We talking about hair dies and “Play Time” :wink: now as well hay gurls????[/quote]
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Post by RubyTuesday »

Hair dye for birds... that's an invention I'm waiting to see! To them it tastes like a treat. To you it just looks fabulous! haha I think I'll give Ruby some blue featherlights :-P
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Post by Mikaela »

Foil Featherlights Rock :!:
~ Mikaela Sky

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Post by Jade »

While I'm blow drying Chook after his morning shower, he loves to stick his head in a basket that has all my hair ties in, and throw them over the edge of my duchess. At the end of his drying, I'll have about 15 hair bands all over the floor. He loves the ones with beads on them.

I bought some of those bendy roller things for a wedding I went to. Chook found them (when he had freedom of the house during the day) and destroyed each of them by chewing off all of the foam.

At the moment he loves cork. I give him the ones out of the wine bottles (not the plastic ones) and he chews them into a ball shape. Then he throwns the 'ball' around and chases after it. Only problem is that you find bits of chewed cork all over the house.
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Post by Neokireina »

Kiva sits on the back of my chair and chews my hair tie until it breaks. I've gone through so many packets lately. I guess he likes my hair down.

Anything that I'm using is far more interesting to them. I worked at home this week and they helped themselves to pens, paperclips, gift vouchers, keys on the keyboard, my mouse, my rubber stamp thinggie.
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