Please help us! Important!

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Please help us! Important!

Post by Elizabeth »

I posted here because there isn't really any other place.

My young IRN has developed a white enamel on his mandible but it just looks like his beak is changing colour. I thought it was a yeast infection, but he has none of those symptoms and his cage is always washed out daily.

The white is on the tip of the upper and a bit on the bottom. Like i said i don't think it is a yeast infection.

If your IRN has white on his or her beak also please let me know. I'm very curious!

Is this normal? He eats a wide range of foods, isn't losing weight, isn't unhealthy. His beak is just turning white on the tip.

Thanks, Liz.
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Post by kyria »

Welcome Elizabeth, glad you found us to come to and I hope we can help you.

My lutino Jordan has white tips, but its not really white as in french nail polish white or chalk white , it's more a clear white colour, which is normal for lutino's, where as my blue and green have the black tips.

Yours sounds different because you are saying a white enamel.

What colour is your baby , how old , is s/he eating well, has healthy looking droppings etc. No other problems other than the strange colour on the beak ?

Can you post any pictures ? this would help us all alot more.

Hopefully Jay or someone else with more of an idea on this will be along shortly.
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Post by Elizabeth »

he is a green IRN, he is eating organic pellets, seed, all fruits and vegetables, normal droppings, is between 6-9 months old, clear eyes and nares, clean vent and feathering. He acts normal. But his beak is changing to white at the tip of his mandible where its supposed to be black.

It looks like a chalk colour/slight clear white but feels like his normal beak. Like if you tear the top layer of your toenail/fingernail it is a rough white colour? sort of like this!

Ive had him for a week now. When i got him his beak was very red and black tip on top mandible.

I feed him better than he was being fed beforehand, before he only was given seed.

He acts totally normal. Maybe his beak is renewing or something??? He never hurt it, its totally normal.

I can't post pics as i have no camara:(
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Post by Lauren »

After we got Yoda his beak looked as if it was flaking. But underneath was a nice shiny beak. I think it was just growing. I'm sorry I'm not much help. If ever unsure or you see anything unusual, seek an avian vet. I hope its nothing too serious. :(
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Post by Elizabeth »

The only thing i can think is its the start of a yeast infection if he turns ill (throwing up/waxy stuff in mouth etc). Right now he's healthy.

Or slight ware and tear from possible landings/moving about the cage wires.

I can't imaging anything is wrong as he eats everything just fine and looks healthy.

I just feel like the whiteness may travel up the beak and turn the beak totally white, in which case it could be a deficiency. But with every veg and fruit, pellets, seeds and egg i doubt that.

You know, the darling will eat his pellets over his seed, thats how wonderful he is. Ive had no trouble converting him. He was a sunflower addict for the 6 months of his life and as soon as i bought him home he ate his pellets and vegies/fruits.

I have both seed and pellets in the cage and he will eat mostly pellets and sometimes seeds. He's so reliable.

:) mummy's green baby :) awww kiss his feathers! (oh and no i have never kissed his beak as i heard that can pass germs to him from me)
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Post by kyria »

Aww I kiss my babies on the beak all the time and omg! just try to stop them trying to get into my mouth for what i am eating or simply to see what the white shiney things are. I dont let them but boy its tough sometimes.

I think its ok to kiss them on the beak :wink:

I really hope its just a simple flake, or something simple, watch it and if it seems to get worse definately off to the avian vet.
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Post by Elizabeth »

last night i stayed up past 1am trying to research. this morning his beak looks almost normal, so it was probably a flake!

which makes sense, being 6-9 months he's probably due for a "complete renevation" feathers and beak renewing.

but ill let you know if it happens again!

thanks guys, for being so welcoming and reasuring me when i felt like my baby had something wrong with him. greatly appreciated.

My baby just found out how to use his mirror! Whoa the noise and his eyes pinning!
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