cosmo has a fettish for lighters

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cosmo has a fettish for lighters

Post by sonic70 »

my baby cosmo loves lighters i dont know why but he will steal my ciggeret lighters out of my hand bag and run not fly but run as fast as he can and stand them up and do his love dances around them and says hello and whisstles and carrys on im thinking about getting him a mate tamara wants to get a alexanderine baby but im scared it wont be compatable with my baby boy i gess if t a bold chick like i got cosmo it will grow up around him and that thats wat we did with a weero we had but she flew away a last year :( tamara and cosmo wer rrealy up set about it but he is fine now and so is she. so yes my baby is a lighter stealer.

and duz any one own a alexadrine if so wat are they like :D :D :)

thank you Tamara and sonia
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Post by Lauren »

:lol: Jibby gets angry at lighter flames. Of course I dont light up around him or anywhere near him but he grumbles at the sight of a lighter. Hmm, maybe hes telling me something?
"Jibby aka Gilbert" Indian Ringneck 13 years "Charlie" Rex Rabbit 1 year
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