Just Flew In

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Just Flew In

Post by rwatti »

My story is probably not typical. I got my IRN or actually it got me. I was out in my pool one HOT afternoon with the sprinkler going in the yard. The bird kept swooping down. I finally realized it was a parrot species and thought it had escaped from a cage and was probably hungry and thirsty so I went in to get food and water. The bird flew right over for the nourishment but only after I backed up several feet. We found out that the bird had escaped from a neighbor and the neighbor doesn't want it back. We live on the coast of Texas so there is not a problem with the bird being outside for now. But I am worried about winter. It is getting a little tamer but will still not allow us to be more than a foot close. Should I try to catch it and put it in a cage? If so, any suggestions? I have been feeding it on a platform my husband built in a tree. It roosts in another grove of trees. There are not many predator birds around and not many cats. Any comments or suggestions?

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Post by Mikaela »

*I* would try to catch it. Right after I went and kicked the original owner into the dirt. :twisted: Then, I would tame it and love it. This is why I could never be a breeder, noone would be good enough to buy one of my babies. This is quite a story. MAYBE the humane society can/will catch it for you. I wouldnt doubt it. Call them.

IRN's are a joy to have in the home. You have a connection with this bird that found you. Do what is best for him. Catch him, cage him, love him and in his old age he wil have alot of stories to tell from his experiences, as they live 30 plus years. I don't feel confident he can make it in the wild. Making it this long has probably been pure luck and alot of attention on your part. I know one thing though, IRN's HATE cold. They are from a warm climate. He may not die out there but he wouldnt be very happy when it gets cold.
~ Mikaela Sky

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Just Flew In

Post by rwatti »

Thanks for your comments, Mikaela. As I have NEVER owned a bird before, I still need any and all advise on how to go about catching my friend. As I have been reading, my bird is no exception. He is young and not very tame or friendly. He will let me get closer now. Even as close as a few inches when I give him his evening meal. But that's rare. Mostly, he will go up several branch if I make any attempt to reach out. He's more tolerant of me getting closer than my husband. If we are out working in the yard he will fly over to the deck railing and sit by us...at times. So, I need alot of help!

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Lost/Found Birdie

Post by Mikaela »

If you are able to toss a towel over him, you're done, he wont move. Then pick the entire towel with him in it up and go inside. Take him to a room that is fairly safe to fly in (bathroom with no windows).

Here is a link you can use to put his tag number in and perhaps find the original owner.

~ Mikaela Sky

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Post by natureboy »

Go over to your neighnors house and ask to use the cage.

put food water treats ect in the cage take a peice of fishing line and secure it to the door when he goes in his cage pull the door shut.

do not let him see you doing this because they are very smart.
getting his cage or a cage thats familar is best so he can relater to security. what are you feeding him? Get a high grade cockatiel mix millet
LOts of fruits and veggies put things out that drawl his attention.

what does your neighbor say about the bird?
get as much info as possible and what color thanks

And when you do catch him clip his wings or take him to the vet to have his wings clipped it will cost 7.00 10.00 It might be nice weather but the heat will kim him first
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Post by Angelface »

am currious to know what happens next in this story!!! did you catch the bird??? did the owners say anything other than they didn't want the bird? anxiously awaiting to hear what happens with this bird!
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Just Flew In

Post by rwatti »

Hello All! Followup to my story. I have not been able to catch the bird yet but it is getting alot tamer. I agree, they are very smart. It has learned where the back door is and flies up onto the deck railing to scream for food. It also knows the sound of my car door when I get home in the evening. We have been trying to get the cage from the previous owner but have not been successful in catching him home. We will either get Baby's old cage or purchase a new cage. My husband and I have really become attached to him. I have to admit that I am a little afraid of scaring him to the point that he will hold a grdge against me for locking him in his cage. Maybe if I do as suggested above and use fishing line he won't be able to attach me with his capture. I am too scared to throw a towel over him while he's in a tree. Thanks for all the good advise. I am feeding him a high quality food for small beaked parrots and Conures. He seems to like it. More to follow!
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Post by Melika »

If you move his feeding area closer to whatever cage you'll be using to catch him, eventually you can have it so he'll walk right in the cage to get food. I'd let him eat from the cage for a few days before catching him, since he'll be a little edgy about the cage to begin with. Or you can simply put his food on top of the cage for a few days then put it inside with the door open/fishing line idea. They're smart enough to find their way inside no problem.

Hope to hear good news soon. ^_^
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Just Flew In

Post by rwatti »

I got the cage from the previous owner. Now begins the "game". I purchased a new mirror because he just LOVES to look at himself in the mirror I put in the tree. I will let you know as I make progress.

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Post by Jonathan18 »

Wow Rose that is such a story, hope to hear how it ends.

Well i have a similar one. One day i was sleeping, when my mom wakes me up and tells me that there is a bird outside trying to get into my budgies cage. then i go outside and find this beautiful turquoise, parrot like bird on top of my budgies' cage. she was trying to get their food. at this time i had no knowledge of this species of bird. so i wanted to catch it, but we were going off to a trip the next day, so i tried catching it that day, but no success. well we left to our trip for a week or so, and when we came back, i came looking for the bird, but did not find it. the next morning there it is again, trying to get in the cage with my budgies, so i was more determined than ever to catch it, since it had not left far off since i first saw her. i think she was attracted by the noise of my budgies, those little critters never stop singing. well ok, this is how i caught it. first i put all my little budgies as bait in a cage and food of course. then i put the small cage full of budgies into the big cage, "big enought that i get in it, to watch the budgies close and personal when i have time." well i left the big cage door open, and i tape some sticks to the entrance of the door, so in case it got in, it wouldn't be able to fly out, it would have to walk to get through the door entrance. well i worked through the night, taping really well the sticks and twigs to the door entrance. after i finished, i just had to play the waiting game. the next morning i woke up early hoping to see the IRN somewhere near the cage, and there it was on top of it. after much pacience and waiting it finally got in, i ran towards the cage to close the door and hurray, the bird was caught. well that same day i had to go to school, and it was getting late already, so i left the bird there with food and water until night. so the risk of it flying off would be less. ok, well that night i got into the cage and got the IRN with some really thick gloves. then i saw it had a tag ring around her leg, so i returned it to the owner. he lives not to far from here. well i just loved that bird so much, that i decided to get one for myself. i got one, it's the normal green, as u can see my avatar to the left. it's not tame though.

Rose, what color is the IRN that u r trying to catch? and where do u live, i also live close to the coast of Texas.

PS. please i want to hear comments on my story "anyone" :)

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