my irn has a shoe fetish :)

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my irn has a shoe fetish :)

Post by selma »

hi all. hope someone can help me with this strange new behaviour. My irn chases me nonstop around the house to get at my shoes so he can chew. It was quite cute in the beginning because it was like a game but now it has come to the point where i cant do anything when he is out of the cage. so i decided to remove my shoes and let him just chew to his heart's content...which he did until he saw i was wearing another pair of shoes (flip flops really). then he came after those. The problem is in the beginning he would just chew the shoe but now he has bitten my toe twice and it actually bled...ok just a drop but it HURT. I'm not sure how to deal with this now. My response has basically been to wag my finger at him and say NO in a loud voice though not shouting. When i do this he stays still and listens (pretty much like in the pic) and then i can see him getting angry and the feathers on his head stand up. However, he walks away and the minute i turn around he comes after me and no matter how many times i say no he just continues with this behaviour. I have now started putting him back in his cage everytime he does this...about 10 mins i just leave him alone. When i take him down it's the same thing all over again. The only time he gives me peace is when he is in the spare room talking to himself in front of the mirror and playing with his toys. :) ...until he gets bored and calls out to me. Does anyone have any ideas on how to deal with this. I really don't want t to banish the poor mite to his cage for the whole day. He was so docile when we first got him. He even stepped from his cage onto my hand and ate his treat from my hand. Now he gives a quick bite on the finger before taking the treat and he does not want me to touch his cage. What has turned our sweet boy into this? HELPPPPP

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