Hi everyone! This site has been a great resource as I've researched about IRN before adopting one. My wife and I have had cockatiels before, but this is our first IRN. "Buddy" is almost 1.5 yrs old, and I'm told it's a he based on behavior. I was told he is what is called a Turquoise Cleartail, but I think he is molting now so it's hard to tell. He is pretty tame, doesn't nip hard at all. He will use his beak to gently push your finger away if he doesn't want to step up. He doesn't seem to know any words, except occasionally I think he says hello. He loves fresh fruit like grapes and apples. He definitely loves sunflower seeds, spray millet, and peanuts seem to be his favorite (though I only give him maybe one a day). After some research, I've decided I'm going to start him on Harrison's pellets.
Here are a couple of photos of Buddy. Does he seem like a male Turquoise Cleartail?
Hello from California!
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