Trouble Understanding my New Irn

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Trouble Understanding my New Irn

Post by Nena »

Hello everyone:

I have recently purchased a lutino 2-3month ringneck its not my first since I am the proud owner of my 1 year girl kiwi who by the way doesnt shut-up is my angel.

Anyhow, I purchased lulu from this guy who breeds them to make quick money and when I went to pick her up she was in a cage with all her furry family no toys, no water just a stick and food.

Well she/he has been home for about three days and I cant get her to do a thing. She will take a treat from my hand with an attitude, she doesnt make any noise, She doesnt move around or even bother with the toys.

She/he lets me pet her but then she/he wont step up, She gets nippy but I dot think it will bite as hard. It just looks really sad. I am giving up! :cry:

I have had kiwi since she was born she was given to me because the parents werent around and the lady couldnt hand feed it.
So I took her in and she became my baby., Loves water,food and play time. She gets nasty at times just when she doesnt get her way, besides she tells me to shutup...Lol
She talk like you wouldnt believe... At times you wonder if she gets tired.
I love her but what can I do about this new birdy?

Should I find a new home?
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Post by ringneck »

Giving up so soon?

Let me give you a different perspective.

Imagine you’re a young child and you get pulled from your parents. You are then given to new parents and expected to act normal. All your surroundings change and you are frightened. Do you think you would adjust to new parents, a new house, and new toys? Probably not! I don’t mean to sound cynical; however, three days is not enough to be upset about your ringneck.

Here are some tidbits that might help you understand more about your bird. I bet you did not know that ringnecks stay with their parents after weaning. Hand feeders, including myself, often give the young ringneck away just after weaning which is between 10-12 weeks. There has not been enough research into how long the babies will hang around their parents. Humans are very ignorant towards parrot psychology. We do what we want and don’t really think about the animal’s point of view. :wink:

I’m just trying to point out that even though your baby ringneck is feathered and looks as if it functions as an adult— it probably does not.

So hang in there and don’t be frustrated with only three days. These are marvelous creatures as I am sure you know.

Hope this helps & Best Wishes,

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