8 month old with ring?!

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8 month old with ring?!

Post by mam707 »

Is it possible for an 8 month old IRN to have his ring? The store/breeder I got him from said that he was born April 1, 2014 and he was "already getting his ring". His cage mates, who they said were also his siblings, had no signs of rings appearing. Everything I've read says makes usually develop their rings between 2-3 years old or after their 2nd or 3rd molt. I've also read that some males may begin to get their their rings early, around 17 months old. What other ways would I be able to tell if he's a juvenile or an adult? I'm just curious if he could in fact be an early bloomer, or if I was misinformed. I guess I should also add that he's a temperamental little guy, where one minute he's sweet and loving and then next he's trying to remove my fingernails :( Not sure if this could be a sign of the so-called "bluffing". I should also add that he's been here for about 3 weeks and hasn't really made ANY sounds. I hope I haven't traumatized the poor little guy. How long does it usually take for them to adjust and start to feel comfortable?

Thanks for any info!
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Re: 8 month old with ring?!

Post by devilangel09 »

the biting your fingernails is just his way of preening you he doesnt know what your fingernails are so its nothing to worry about just try to avoid it lol
i also have to say your bird is much older than 8 months it looks to mature to be a baby he has a closed ring on his leg can you take a pic of what it says or tell me what it says>
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Re: 8 month old with ring?!

Post by mam707 »

His band is green and says US PARROTS FL 814. Hope this helps! Thanks for your input!
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Re: 8 month old with ring?!

Post by mam707 »


Did a little research, and found out he came from US Parrots down in FL. I sent them some messages, so hopefully they can help.

This a site that has a huge list of breeders, so if anyone is wondering where their bird beasts came from, they can look up the info on the leg band here:
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Re: 8 month old with ring?!

Post by devilangel09 »

himm 814 cant be the date so im guess that theres a chance hes still alot older/ its possible that hes the 814th bird born to the breeder
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Re: 8 month old with ring?!

Post by mam707 »

I'm hoping there's some way they can give me info based on the 814, like maybe that's how they keep track of what clutch and birth date. I'll let you know what I find out!
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Re: 8 month old with ring?!

Post by MissK »

So, where did you get this bird? I peeked at US Parrots on facebook, just a little. They had a pan of baby "blueish" Ringnecks photographed halfway through March. Later on in the year they posted a photo of (I guess) one of them as it was older, claiming it talks a lot and plays on the kitchen table. No ring.

Making a snap judgement based on easily-manipulated internet information (so, no real basis for forming an opinion....) I think US Parrots looks like a "good risk" for getting a nice bird. They do seem to have quite a bunch in the area they photographed, and I'm not thrilled with the cage sizes I saw there, so I can't say I'd back them 100%.

The question is, "How and when did their bird get to where you bought him?" He could be an older bird or failed breeder sold on, or he could be a rehomed pet, or he could have been sold to a store as a baby and just grew up waiting for a home. It doesn't matter a very great deal in the long run as long as his personality is acceptable to you.

How do you feel knowing your bird is not a baby? As he gets used to your home, he may display behaviours you were not expecting. Listen for speech or noises he may have learned already. Talk to him, play voices of other birds off You Tube. Offer him super-good goodies in his cup and then offer the favourite ones by hand, keeping your hand low, and holding the food through the cage bars. Of course do the whole move slow and gentle thing. You might get a wonderful surprise. Congratulations on getting a beautiful mature bird! Let us know if he starts doing "interesting" new things around the time of the winter solstice. :wink:
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Re: 8 month old with ring?!

Post by mam707 »

I saw the same pictures on FB, and there is a gray-ish baby in the group of babies, so I'm sorta wondering if that's my boy.
I got him from M&D Bird Farm in Delaware. They seemed like a great place; it was clean and the birds were all pretty friendly. The staff seemed knowledgable, too. But they did mention that they do take in birds for re-homing, so I'm curious if my boy is a re-homer. He hasn't made ANY noise in the 3 weeks I've had him, and he's somewhat hand-tame. I could care less if he's older or a re-homer or a failed breeder-I took him home because I think he's a cool little dude. I'm doing my best to acclimate him into my home. Funny thing is, he's nervous and scared around me, but he'll climb out and down from his cage to follow my mastiffs around, and the dogs think it's great! I'll continue to work at his pace, and with his quirks, and hopefully he'll be happy with our family, because he's not going anywhere!
Thank you everyone for the advice! I'll keep yall posted as I learn more!
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Re: 8 month old with ring?!

Post by sanjays mummi »

Why the Solstice Miss K??, its the day after tomorrow. He definitely looks mature,
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Re: 8 month old with ring?!

Post by MissK »

I'm so glad you're happy with him. Honestly, I'm sure baby birds are great, but I'm sold on the second-handers. :D

Solstice because that's about when I start looking for Rocky to display evidence of his nesty thinking thoughts. I'm eagerly looking to see if he will act any differently this year because now Sinbad is with us, and equally impatient to see what (if anything) Sinbad might do.
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Re: 8 month old with ring?!

Post by mam707 »

Very interesting, Miss K, about the solstice. I'll definitely be on the lookout for any "nesty" behavior. I love learning new things about these birds! They never cease to amaze!
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Re: 8 month old with ring?!

Post by MissK »

Remember, "about" - it's not like an on switch. :)
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Re: 8 month old with ring?!

Post by mam707 »


I contacted the breeder (US Parrots) and after I provided as much info as I could, and after the friendly and helpful man at US Parrots did some investigating, we discovered that my boy is in fact 1 year older than we thought. So as of today, he's actually 1 year and 9 months old. I was told originally that he was born on April 1st, and they assumed it was of 2014, but the breeder looked at his records and said that, based on my boy's leg band #, he's most likely from a clutch that hatched in 2013.

Another interesting fact he told me was that IRNs only/usually breed in the beginning of the year, so most babies are hatched in Jan, Feb, or Mar, and sometimes April.

I never got the man's name, but I couldn't be more thankful for the info he provided and how helpful he was. US Parrots is A-OK in my book!
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