need help

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need help

Post by arhamz »

I have 2 irn one is turblue and one is lutino.. I knew that the turblue one is a female because of her behavior and dna. Recently the lutino one started tucking his head in and doing the same thing as the female. Which means he is a she.. now I need to get male birds I was thinking of getting a violet boy but what would be the best pair combo I can have given the 2 females I got. And is it ok to assume the lutino is a girl because of the female behavior?
Wessel Gordon
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Re: need help

Post by Wessel Gordon »


To be 100% sure I would have the lutino bird sexed before buying additional birds.

As for the best pair combination I would leave that for the experienced breeders to answer, but I think it would largely depend on which mutation offspring you are after.

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