Those of you who thought I would never post photos....well, I know who you are!

So that you know who you're looking at, meet the Family:
Rocky is the green Indian Ringneck, a boy, not quite 12 years old.
Riff Raff is Budgie #1, rather a periwinkle blue/grey, with greywing mutation, a girl, one year old.
Dr. Scott is Budgie #2, possibly a dilute greywing in the green series, a boy, not quite one year old.
Magenta is Budgie #3, an albino, maybe 5 months old. EDIT: As of April 2014, Magenta is confirmed a boy.
Frankie is Budgie #4, a type 2 yellowface, I think, maybe 5 months old. EDIT: As of April 2014, Frankie is confirmed a boy.
EDIT: Janet is Budgie #5, a typical bright blue, adult female of unknown age, comes with us in April 2014.
Remendado is an old yellow Hartz type Canary, a boy, quite a few years old by now.
Sunshine is a multicoloured "green" American Singer Canary, a boy, several years old, belonging to my Mother. He stays with us from time to time.
EDIT: Lynnie (until further notice) is an olive mutation Lineolated Parakeet, suspected to be male, probably almost 3 years old, come with us in May 2014. Lynnie is afraid of the camera, so may be some time till we get a decent photo.
And who could forget Rocky's pal, MR. FROGGIE!? Sorry Mr. Froggie is out of focus; I think he was drinking....
There may also be a photo of some old mutts that wandered into my house when I wasn't looking......


Budgies: Dr. Scott, Magenta, Frankie, Riff Raff
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Mr. Froggie

The Girls