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Spot the birdie

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 1:09 am
by Datsun and Family
We went out Monday with Datsun and she fell in love.... with grass :shock:

"I just love the way it smells..."


"...and the way it feels between my toes..."


"....I love you Mum, but grass and I have decided to run off together"


Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 4:33 am
by Mikaela
Is there any place you can go where you live that isnt GORGEOUS.

Phft, and they say Florida is as close as one can get to paradise, I beg to differ. :roll:


You let your baby play in the grass and I would LOVE to do that and I know my girls would. But, I am afraid of disease they may pick up from wild birds.

How do you calm this fear?

Datsun and Baby look so much alike, especially that look they have in their eyes. It is like they love the world and bask in being a part of it. Other than Baby being excessively green, they are twins.

I am thinking Baby is an Emerald, any oppinions on that? That is her in my avatar. She is the 'greenist' green ringneck I have seen yet. Or maybe I should lay off the brocolli :?

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 7:44 am
by Mazziemom
Those are just gorgeous ... and I love your captions!

Mazzie loves to be outside too, she hangs out in my flower beds, I think she feels safe in the flowers :)


Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 8:53 am
by jen5239
Once again BEAUTIFUL pictures! And once again I'm jealous! I so wish I could have that kind of interaction w/ Byndi! What an awesome bird you have! And I bet she thinks she is in birdy heaven with the lavish lifestyle she must lead. Bravo to you for loving your baby so much!

Jen & Byndi

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 2:11 am
by Melika
Datsun looks to happy!

I too, favour New Zealand over Florida any day, Mikaela.

Perhaps try going after it's rained? Or wash off the grass and let it dry, lol. Would that help your fears?

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 9:25 pm
by baby_bella
ohhhhh how beautiful, how gorgous, i take bella out on the frount lawn everyday but i dont let her wander she just sits in between my legs, im so fearful cause next door there is a massive dog and then the other house next to us has a massive dog, so i dont want her to get caught up in the wind and then fly over the fence and AHHHHH dont even want to think about it... :?

Just waiting on my bird harness from ebay.... hehe im so addicted to that thing, i swear i have got ALL my toys (except 2) of ebay and thats alot!

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 9:43 pm
by Neokireina
I love those pics, everything looks so green, I sometimes wish I could take my birds outside but they are flighted. One day I'll get around to making a big flight for them fully landscaped.

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 2:02 am
by Datsun and Family
That alone is a major part of why my birds are clipped. I love going out and taking them with me.

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 4:37 am
by Neokireina
I used to, I had Bappy and Niamh clipped and they would go outside and play on the grass and I would take them places and sit them on the dash board of my car while i drove around it was fun. But I love them flighted and I think they like it too. All it takes is money and they can have it both ways one day.