New pics. of Byndi--am I seeing a ring forming????

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New pics. of Byndi--am I seeing a ring forming????

Post by jen5239 »

Hey everyone,
Got some new pics. of Byndi today. Let me know what you think. :D We're always ready, willing, and more than able to accept compliments. Mikaela--I tried to get a profile pic. for you. Some were taken after he took a bath in his water dish--hence the feathers sticking up above his beak. Soooo cute. Let me know what u think. Do you see a ring forming? I think I do.

Jen & Byndi

This photo was after I dried him with the hair dryer.


Doesn't he look silly with his feathers all wet?? He was going head first in to his water dish! :D


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Post by Dani03 »

Byndi looks good! He looks happy too. I am so glad that he has turned into a nice bird. Congrats on that...I do see what you see, a faint dark ring forming but them again we could be mistaken. Female or Male Byndi is a beautiful have done a great job! :wink:

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Post by Jade »

Are there any single, orange feathers around the back or side of his head yet? Chook got a couple there first. Then he got two black feathers, one either side of his lower beak and then one underneath the beak. He hasn't progressed much further than this except he now has a fine collection of about 15 single orange feathers dotted around the back of his neck.
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Post by Mazziemom »

I'll try to dig around and find photos of Buddy as a baby... so you can see the vestigial ring he had from the time he was nine months old. I knew he was a boy the day I saw that, and I was right :)

Here's the link to his page , you can see the pale ring most clearly in the photos of him with his Quaker friend, or the one of him upside down in my hand. The very bottom has pictures of him right after his ring came in.

His ring came in during one molt... it took about a month all told to be 100% in... and every day was a surprise as the new colors emerged.

Your blue looks to have a slight color shift, but I don't see any actual black/grey feathers in there.. so I wouldn't want to guess.

Of course, if your IRN coo's at you when you pet it... you can often tell by body position what sex it is. There are some odd birds, but for the main the females will lower their chests and throw their heads back to coo, and the males will stand tall while they coo :)

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Post by jen5239 »

Nope, no orange feathers anywhere. And Dani, he still isn't the bird I would like him to be. He's still a lot skittish. And he doesn't like to be held at all. I just happened to get him while he was out of his cage and he hung out on my shoulder for a while and then I put him on the play stand. Then I sprayed him down for a bath and he dove head first in to the water bowl. He did enjoy himself there! But I still love him. And I still have a lot of work to go to get him where I'd like him to be! I thought of you this weekend. Went to a pet store and saw a white indian ringneck. It was beautiful. And my heart broke for it cuz it was in a pet store. :cry: Thanks for all the nice words. Take care everyone.

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Post by jen5239 »

Hey Athena,
Thanks for the post and Buddy is BEAUTIFUL! No coos from Byndi! He doesn't let you pet him. He's not in to hands! I don't hardly get to touch Byndi. He's not very tame as of yet. I've had him almost 6 weeks now and we've progressed nicely. He doesn't try to rip my fingers off my hand when I reach for him. I no longer go in to his cage to try to get him out. I simply wait until he's ventured out on his own and then attempt to get him. Which ends up with him on the floor and me chasing him. Then I put my hand down and he cautiously steps on to my hand and flaps like a mad bird to get up to my shoulder. Once he's there he's okay, but if I try to put my hand up there he freaks. So.... I'm not real sure what my next step will be. Any suggestions??

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Post by Mazziemom »

Millet sprays :)

I used to bribe Mazzie with them, when she came here and I had to tame her. She was just plain mean back then. She got millet if she was good and didn't bite or flee, and if she did then she got none. It worked pretty well.

I also set up a special play zone for her, as a time out area. I didn't want to "punish" her for being mean, she knew no other way to be, but I didn't want to encourage her. So, if she was nasty to me she went to her play area rather than get to be with me... it was very simple, a couple toys and something to eat and drink. Kinda on the boring side, so she would rather interact with me.

Start by touching the tail, and work your way up the bird slowly as it allows. You might only get to touch the tail for a week, but then it will go higher. If the bird flips, go back to the last comfortable spot to touch, and work it for a while again before trying to advance again.

Also, since your bird likes bathing, consider taking him/her to the shower with you. Mazzie loves the shower, becomes Gumby bird in there, and that helped me tame her to my husband. He was the only one who gave showers for a long time... and she learned to be kind to him so he would take her :)

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Post by Mikaela »


Your fella really wants to look like a girl, to me. He has thin feet and that beak just isnt high and flat enough to convince me, just yet, otherwise. The ring? Any ringneck, boy or girl, would have that to some degree. That is how a mature girls ring would look.

Nonetheless, I still sway toward female. How old is s/he?

This is a tough one because his beak isnt near as flat as it needs to be with a boy but the placement IS somewhat boyish.

Ringneck, I know you are busy but if you happen across this, please give your opinion... even if you disagree with my findings. :D

Good thing Brandi is a transgender name *giggle*


Most 'sexers' for lack of a better word, has their own technique, I know by the way the beak sets. -shrug-

My girls have slender feet but very long, compared to a boys.

When s/he is running up your arm, s/he is dominating you punkin... that is a no no. If he doesnt allow you to PLACE AND REMOVE him from your shoulder at YOUR will, s/he doesnt get to have shoulder time.

I know you think any interaction with her/him is great and that is somewhat true but that is only reinforcing s/he is the boss. We have to remember, he sees you as his mate, not his owner.

You would be better off in regards to gaining trust to sit him/her on something outside the cage and talk softly to him/her while teaching him/her to step him with NO BITE. If you bend your wrist as much as humanly possible downward, s/he really cant get enough skin to bite because it makes your skin too tight. It will build your confidence and make him/her realize you are the boss and he IS going to do what you ask.

NEVER should an untamed bird be on ones shoulder. I practice what I preach... Baby has never visited my shoulder. She is probaby ready but Im not sure I am ever going to introduce her to the notion, Boo gets about 2 hours a week of it TOPS. That is only because she is trained and her last Mom let her live there. It is very easy to turn a shoulder bird into an emotional screamer, fair warning. :wink: Ask BestMomFl, which is Boo's previous mom.

Baby still hates touch so I get a stroke in here or there. You need to focus on getting him/her to step up and stay on your finger while you talk and visit with him/her. Touch comes much later. Steps cant be skipped, it IS a process.

I came back to this post and looked him/her over good and now I want to say boy grrrr. But the peak still juts outwards like a girl but the beak placement is more boyish.

Lets see what ringneck thinks. Now I am leaning toward boy :oops:

Brandi never ceases to amaze so anything is possible with this birdie :!:
Last edited by Mikaela on Mon Oct 24, 2005 3:11 pm, edited 7 times in total.
~ Mikaela Sky

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Post by jen5239 »

See the problem is I don't really know how old he/she is?? The breeder told me Byndi was a year old. When we first got him there was the pale ring around the neck. But now that darker color is starting to show up. So I was just wondering. No wonder he doesn't want anything really to do with me--if he's a she and I've been referring to her as him. That's confusing! I can't even touch him! So I can't touch his tail. He won't let me near him. If we are interacting it's on my shoulder. When he steps up on to my hand from the floor he practically RUNS up my arm with both little wings just flapping as hard as possible to get to my shoulder. I try to put my other hand in front of him to block him from getting to my shoulder but that doesn't work. He just does not want to be touched. Which is killing me. Cuz I wanna hold him. But... I'm playing it very slowly. I thought females had big fat toes. And males had slender toes?


Jen, I edited/added to my last post since you read it.
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Post by jen5239 »

You nut, his/her name is Byndi not Brandi! Tee hee!!!! Glad you're okay from the hurricane. And I will work with Byndi this weekend and no more shoulder time. Thanks!

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Post by Mikaela »

Ah, never noticed that :shock:

You pronouce that like the crock hunters doggie? Ben Dee?
~ Mikaela Sky

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Post by Jeremy »

How old is Byndi now?

All Hens will have a light black ring, at the moment it is still too early to tell, give it a week or two, if you notice any black feathers under the beak you will have a boy
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Post by jen5239 »

I pronounce it "Bin dee." And I'm not sure how old he/she is. The breeder told me a year. But then I can't be sure they weren't lying thru their teeth to me! :? :( :evil:
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Post by Mikaela »

Yeah, I think that is a common pet name is Aussie :?:

Very cute.
~ Mikaela Sky

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Post by Melika »

I say it looks like a ring coming in, but that's me. ^^
I've been called 'birdbrained' before, but somehow I don't think this is what they meant. say:hah-nay
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