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Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 6:42 pm
by Lila_
Dodo is mean, my whole family is terrified of her.

she was peeved about my parents being in her apartment and would not stop grumping and yelling and giving us all the evils.

my mother's solution was to stand in front of her cage and try some mind control, bobbing her head around in circles saying YOU ARE GOING TO BE A GOOD GIRL... YOU ARE GOING TO BE A GOOOOD GIIIRRRRLLLLL....
and can you believe it dodo's angry hair went flat and she went quiet, just sitting there and watching this bizarre human doing a bizarre dance at her.

she has stopped yelling at my mother.

Re: hypnotism

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 6:31 am
by bec
i swear they understand the "human speak!!!
plus they love getting us to do silly things for them
looks like dodo got your mum trained just right
the reward for you obdient mum? the abcense of the yelling!!!