Could it be?...

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Could it be?...

Post by Mikaela »

Hey Ya'll:

As some of you know, I have been having a horrid time with Boo screaming. Of course, my first plan of attack was to cover her cage, which worked... but I hated. So, I have done this for a few days.

I tried a million different things before resulting to the covering of her cage.

So today, I couldnt take it! I was beginning to resent her even. Out of anger and lack of patience, I take her and her play stand to my bedroom and just left her there. Not a peep all day. I go in every so often to talk to her and she couldnt be happier. She is playing and preening and chatting.

I realize now she was over-stimulated. She came from a home with only one child (15). A much more laid back environment than here. Plus, Baby messes with her alot too.

Considering she is the one that desperately needs me, I would have never thought she would be happy in a room alone. But she sure is, sitting looking out the sliding glass door.

To be fair, I am going to alternate days where she stays in the bedroom and Baby stays, I will decide this depending on the days activities. The important thing is, I figured out why my baby was so upset and antsy.
~ Mikaela Sky

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Post by tasha »


Well done for working out why she was so upset, it is so hard to understand these beautiful birds some days it must be a little bit quieter in your house now.

Tasha & Indy
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Post by Mikaela »

We are ALL happy again. Most of you understand that these are OUR babies, therefore making others have little tolerance for them unless they are on their best behavior or doing somthing 'cool'. It was actually starting to cause family problems :oops:

I felt so torn. My Boo was screaming and I didnt know why. My family was screaming for me to make her stop, as if I was letting her do it as some sick revenge. Talk about caught in the middle of a cross-fire. All is well now and the whole family is thanking her and telling her what a good girl she is.

Next delima! Bring it on! I have 30 more yrs to go, Im sure this is only a drop in the bucket

Not to mention them saying "Ma, get rid of her GOD!' I said "Ill part with my prize possession when you go scoop all that crap you call Ecko and South Pole out of your closet and give it to the needy... didnt hear anymore of that. :wink:
~ Mikaela Sky

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Post by Neokireina »

what is Ecko and South Pole?

I am lucky to have people around me that tolerate my birds, and I'm so glad my fiance loves them as much as I do and puts up with them eating on his head and cleaning all the poop and bird club meetings, and toy making sessions, and getting up early to hand feed the babies....
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Post by Mikaela »

Clothes, a shirt goes for 75-100 and pants are from 125 up and their closets are filled with the crap.

You arent American? You are from Aussie right?

Ever heard of "rocka wear'? All of it is rap singers lables. :roll:

I dont care, they buy all the crap. Around here, turning 16 means getting a job. At 16 I had a fulltime job, finishing high school, had a two yr old and I could go on and on. I pity them not for having to get a job at 16 and then just have to come lay up in a big **** house with plasma TV's. I did all of that and came back to a trailer that would have probably been comdemned had the state known. Tough love Momma.
~ Mikaela Sky

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Post by selma »

hey mikaela glad to hear there's peace in the house again :lol:
When they scream like that don't you just wish they would talk and say what they wanted? But i guess that would make life way too easy. No we have to figure it out on our own. And as you said there's 30 years plus to go. :D
Neo u have a gem of a fiance. Hang onto him with your life. :lol:
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Post by Mikaela »

Amen to what selma said... MANY board members family members dislike our birds and are of little or NO help. They are too afraid of a tiny little friggin bird to interact with it. Simply rediculous, it is a bite, not a stab wound... suck it up soldier!
~ Mikaela Sky

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Post by Neokireina »

Yeah He's very sweet. He's exactly what I wanted from a husband. He's a country boy hehe well I tease him about it anyway. Sad thing is he never had a pet growing up. Zek is his first pet ever and He never knew birds could be so friendly. Going to my house is like going to corrumbin(sp) sanctuary in Queensland. Or one of this wildlife parks that have the tame birds running around.

There's something like that here. It had lorikeets and Indian Ringnecks actually and a whole bunch of other birds. I would put my hand up to them and they would jump on me and I got asked by all the people around me if I worked there..

Yeah I'm one of those people that walks up to a cocky in a cage and pats him despite the "I DO BITE" sign. I even had one guy come up to me and ask "Have you been bitten yet?" I go visit and pat this bird evey time I go to the seed store and nope, not bitten yet.
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