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Very guilty and stupid...but in hindsight funny!

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 3:37 pm
by Kray Twins
yesterday I went out to the garage to fetch some allen keys. As I opened the garage door I heard a fluttering of wings and turned to see Ronnie flying away...
As I passed their cage Ronnie decided to ninja jump onto my back, I had a tshirt and a thick jumper on so didn't even realise...

Long story short - 2 and a half hours of wandering the streets around me and following his call and finding him on a couple of occasions for him to just fly off again! Just about to give up and spotted him 20ft up a tree, climbed a tree next to it and got virtually to eye level for him to fly off stuck in said tree!

My partner Stacey gave chase and Ronnie landed on the floor giving us an opportunity to get close and catch him, but i'm still in the tree! I had to jump and give chase myself as Stacey couldn't catch him because she had left the towel behind. I didn't need the towel in the end as Ronnie had had enough excitement and was tired. I didn't even know that he could fly that much, when he flew at home it was always with a decline towards the floor and he hadn't flew for over 6 months so i'm told!

Let's just say I had a bloody good drink last night to get over the stress... but at the time I felt so guilty and stupid for not realising!

Re: Very guilty and stupid...but in hindsight funny!

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 7:52 pm
by julie
As long as you got him back thats good. His wings may have grown back in and he will need to be clipped to stop/minimise it happening again.

Re: Very guilty and stupid...but in hindsight funny!

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 4:58 pm
by ellieelectrons
I'm so glad this had a happy ending! Welcome home, Ronnie.

You will find that they can fly more outside because of air currents. I once had Janey on my shoulder and she got frightened by the car door opening. She went for a fly. We have a really steep pathway down to our shed and whilst she would have normally flown for about 5 metres and than landed, because of the steepness of the ground, the ground was falling away from her and she landed in a tree (and was a very exhausted bird!). Thankfully my husband was able to reach her and she stepped up straight away. I have never taken her outdoors not in a cage again. I am hoping to harness train her but she may be too old.

I remember that horrible fear that you might not be able to get your bird back. It's awful!


Re: Very guilty and stupid...but in hindsight funny!

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 10:05 am
by Kray Twins
Thankfully it was a long, long time ago now! I'm extra cautious when heading outside now to make sure that Ronnie isn't hiding on me.