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Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2005 12:05 pm
by DarinA
I am still wondering why my Jade is so quiet. He is wonderful in every other way, steps up great, loves his bath and dried, likes to have his beak rubbed and under his wings, plays wonderful with his toys, but the only time he makes any noise at all is if we are on the porch in the evening he might whistle once or twice. He was weaned about three weeks ago, is this normal. He listens very intently, and seems to know what you are saying but never makes a noise. Will this change or is it pretty normal.

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2005 1:13 pm
by Mazziemom
3 weeks from weaning? Your bird is perfectly normal. Buddy was quiet for about 2 months... just chirps here and there...

Now he never stops chatting, chirping, talking, making sound effects.. you name it. He's my loud boy... but I adore each and every sound.
