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She loves me, She loves me not, She LOVES me!!!

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 6:48 pm
by Lauren
:D Now Lola is not the most cuddly of birds, shes never really let me get too close, but will happily use me as her personal transportation and food dispenser, she is tolerant of my presence and me only. She likes it when I chat to her, she also loves to have showers with me, but I can never ever kiss, pet, 'snorgle' (burry your nose into a wing or belly lol) like Jibby allows me to.
Yesterday I had both on each hand as I was watching some tv, Jibby started to get a bit grizzly because I was holding my hands too far apart and he couldnt steal a kiss or quick preen off Lola (he only ever tries it when shes sleeping tucked under wing, hes so sneaky about it!). So Jibby flew off and had a grumble in the other room. Sooky Jibby!
So Lola stayed and I held her closer to my chest. Still, she kept sleeping and seemed quite content.. I thought, here is my chance.. to steal a kiss! perhaps a snorgle! Slowly I brought her closer, still sleeping.. she then snorgled me!!! I even got a kiss kiss I love you!!! :D She lent in and burried herself under my chin and muttered a kiss kiss I love you! Aww! (The birds only ever say this to each other when both are tucked under wings sleeping, they will mutter I love you back and forth hehe!)
I knew this was a moment I had to hold onto as she rarely shows affection and rarely gives it, poor Jibby even has to steal kissies off her lol..
I might get a quick preen in the shower, when Im washing my hair, I might get to 'have a conversation' over shareing my breakfast with her, but this was a special Lola moment!!! :D
If only everyone else could see, my family and partner think shes a ferral noisy bossy bird. I keep telling them shes a sweet lil girl and just because shes not like Jibby and shes scared of everyone but me, they all think she hates them and so they hate her, if she does its only because they dont give her the time of day, like they do Jibby. Shes still my widdle girl and I love her to bits.. and so does Jibby! :D

Re: She loves me, She loves me not, She LOVES me!!!

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 8:06 pm
by bec
lolas being a cutie bug give her a kiss from me (even if you have to sneak it)

Re: She loves me, She loves me not, She LOVES me!!!

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 11:55 pm
by pinkdevil
A very aaaawwwww moment to cherish :)