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Constant contact call

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2022 1:31 am
by mehul93
Hey all,

I have a year and a half old female ringneck (Flippers). Shes been with us for over a year but shes developed the need to constantly contact call.

Its mainly when I’m not in the same room with her and it goes on for hours. For the most I ignore it (when I’m in the room and out) but its getting pretty out of hand. Im not sure what is triggering it. When Im not in the room she’s in her cage, I take her out in the morning and shes fine to sit on my shoulder as I’m changing papers in her cage, tidying up the room etc. I then put her breakfast in which varies daily (Chop, warm mash, porridge, pieces on a skewer, wedged in the cage bars) and leave the room. As soon as I do she starts to contact call. I don’t go back into the room as i don’t want to think screaming will make me com back. She doesn’t seem to be really interested in the food i put it either and ignores it and hangs onto the front of the cage calling.

Im not sure what to do now, Ive seen a thread around the screaming when in the room which I’m going to try work with but when im out of the room and not interested in eating is something completely new.

Would really appreciate any advice!

Re: Constant contact call

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2023 8:53 pm
by ringneck

It sounds like Flippers, your female ringneck, has developed a habit of contact calling when you're not in the same room as her. This can be a challenging situation, especially when it continues for extended periods. You mentioned that she doesn't seem interested in the food you provide and focuses on calling instead.

Contact calling is a natural behavior for birds, as they use it to communicate with their flock in the wild. However, excessive calling can be a sign of insecurity or anxiety. It's essential to address the root cause of this behavior to help Flippers feel more secure and reduce her need for constant calling.

First, consider providing Flippers with more mental and physical stimulation. Offer a variety of toys that encourage foraging, chewing, and problem-solving. Regularly rotate the toys to keep her engaged and maintain her interest. Providing her with more activities to do while you're not in the room can help reduce her reliance on contact calling.

Another approach is to use positive reinforcement to encourage quieter behaviors. When Flippers is quiet or engaging in other activities, reward her with treats or attention. This will help her associate positive outcomes with being calm and quiet.

You could also try playing soft background music or sounds when you're not in the room with her. This may help Flippers feel more at ease and provide a soothing environment, reducing her need to contact call.

Finally, if the behavior persists and you're concerned about her well-being, consult an avian veterinarian or a bird behavior specialist. They can offer professional guidance and recommendations tailored to your specific situation.

Remember, patience and consistency are key when addressing behavioral issues in birds. With time and effort, you can help Flippers feel more secure and reduce her need for constant contact calling.

Best of luck with Flippers, and I hope you find this advice helpful.

Kind regards,