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skittles loves Susan Boyle!

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 12:19 pm
by skittles
My family loves Americas got talent, and last night the show had an interview with Susan Boyle, who was on Britain's got talent. EVERY time they showed her singing, Skittles went CRAZY!! It was soooo funny!! Skittles would just sing, chirp and holler for the music. She does not do this for most other music we have playing, so we all thought it was funny. Now we are just waiting for Susan's cd to come out to buy for Skittles to listen to anytime she wants!

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 2:33 pm
by bec
lol thats soo cute!!!!
kieron loves judge judy
when he was inside if the tv wasnt on at judge judy time kieron went psyco!!!!
if it was on he started yelling at the tv till she was there then he sat on the curtain staring at her
in the add breaks he would yell at the tv till she came back on but was fine when the show ended

so funny!

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 5:31 pm
by skittles
that is so funny! I am glad when the show went off that Skittles didn't go bonkers on me!