"Fooey" for feather picking

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"Fooey" for feather picking

Post by aprilv »

Hello everyone,
I am wondering if this "Fooey" that is at the pet store really does work for feather picking. My irn Endo picks his feathers on his stomach but no where else. I never see him doing this to himself either. His cage stays open all day and is next to a fishtank that he loves to stare at. We bought him as a wild bird but he is becoming more friendly everyday. Unfortunely we started training him with a glove and he is very calm but if you take off the glove he freaks out , so the re-training has started. If anyones knows about this product please tell all.
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Post by Mikaela »

I have honestly never heard of it but check often for a response as Im sure you will receive one very soon.

Welcome to the board, please keep us updated! We L O V E pics! And newcomers :wink:

What we REALLY need to do is figure out why he does this. Seems as though boredom couldnt be it. Do you have small children? I have a five yr old that I have to watch like a hawk or both of my birds would be a nervous wreck.

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Post by IMR4N »

Is it sort of a spray? Because if it is then it probably wont work. I know some one who has owned an African grey for 10 years and 8 of them she’s been a "plucker" he's tried putting a brace on her al types of sprays and tried to reduce the boredom. But she still plucks. i think its because when he first got her he had allot more spare time to handle her and spend with her but he know has a full time job and a family.

They don’t actually pluck what they do is groom, groom and groom the feathers thin. sort of like nail biting it becomes a habit

Any way I digress from my point; basically his African grey tasted something on her feathers and tried even harder to clean it off.

Have you ever wondered that maybe he needs some toys to play with just to keep him that extra bit busy. Zazu sometimes does this I say sum times because hes not yet bold just a bit fluffy on the stomach area

it might work though better to nip it in the butt before he become to use to it.
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