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Looking for an Adult Pair of Lutino's

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 11:22 pm
by Mjay
He All :!:
I have been searching for some time now, (Petlink and other sites) but i can't seem to find a pair anywhere :!:(found one breeding pair in QLD, got quoted $550 for freight by one company, the pair was only @ $100 )
I am looking into having a go at breeding , so if anyone has any idea of some for sale, at a reasonable price (Sydney,NSW) or if you know of some other sites to check it would be greatly appreciated :D

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 4:03 am
by Fah
Freight from major cities to other major cities can cost anywhere between $70 and $130 depending on connections and weights.

Being quoted that money is remarkable... also note, avoid using any company other than Australian Air Express. They have done flawlessly with my birds over the last 6 years.

Alot of breeders / companies try to slog extra on the freight to make up for cheap birds / effort... which is obviously wrong.

If you are in Sydney you can try bird clubs. Hunter Valley etc. They have good connections and almost always consist of quality people, as their reputation with the club depends on it.

$100 for the pair seems really cheap. Also consider buying young birds, hand reared preferably. Will mean a 2 year wait, but it means your getting docile and fresh young. A fair whack of young birds that dont breed go up for sale, and people can and will tell you all sorts of stories as to why they are selling... or if they have bred before.

I know there are people out there who are legit, there are also people out there trying to dump non compatible birds. I always start with young, and have never been dissapointed.

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 1:50 pm
by Mjay
Thanks Fah :!: I will look into bird clubs, and i suppose i was a bit naive in thinking people wouldn't lie to sell off uncompatible birds, your advice is very helpful, i am going to a Bird Auction at Wyong on the 15th of this month, so hopefully i will be able to get some young birds, i have never been before, so i don't know what to expect but i will have an experienced bird breeder with me (so i don't make any silly mistakes i suppose lol)Thanks again :D

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 2:03 pm
by pinkdevil
Mjay- Sydney is about a 6 hr round trip for us here, but I have last years handraised Lutino Ringies for sale if interested. We may be heading Sydney way in a week or two....not sure yet.

2 of the 3 are tame but the third I am working on, going through an extremely bitey stage at the moment compared to all my other birds I have handraised. Might end up selling as a handraised "aviary suited" bird if I can't calm him/her down. Will sit on hand but bites the whole time lol

They are around 4.5 months old. :)

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 2:20 pm
by Mjay
Thanks for Replying Pinkdevil,
I would be very interested in one of your Lutino's!
can you let me know what price you want for one please?

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 2:46 pm
by Fah
pink = good egg :D

*takes payment under table* LOL

Look forward to hearing news of you being a new breeder :D

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 4:22 pm
by pinkdevil
lol Fah, thanks for the "thumbs up" recommendation :D
*slips Fah a icy cold drink and a yummy box of chockies* You know Fah, I highly guard my chocolates so you should feel priviledged that I am willing to share with ya! :P

Mjay, all the 3 for sale are from the same parents and not sexed.

The "feral" one is $80 and the other 2 are $100 each.

I have videos on Youtube of the "gang". Posted link here somewhere on another thread as well as photos. But if you want up to date pics and videos, will do that. (Any excuse to post pics lol :roll: )

Also will take pics of the parents. They are on the tail end of a moult but still look ok, just a bit scruffy lol.

Found the thread of the baby

and video link here

Awww....just watched the vids and pics....feeling all nestolgic now :?

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 8:08 pm
by Mjay
WOW :D :D :D :D
I would love to buy one :P
Will you def be coming to Sydney?
If not i have a family friend at North Entrance if you are near there, or i will be coming up on the 15th for a Bird Auction at Wyong.
I seen some of your You Tube vids, very cute, and i would love to see any pic's you post :D
Let me know if you are coming down my way, Thanks :D

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 11:20 pm
by pinkdevil
Glad you like 'em. :)

I am not sure when or if we will be heading to Sydney. Will definately let you know.
We have a pet supplies and music shop combo, (yeah bit of a funny mix hey lol) that we only opened a few weeks ago here in Cowra and I think we will be heading to Sydney for a cage/parrot supplies order soon. Not sure when though.

Shane is a solo musician, (hence the music shop side lol), and travels to places like Bathurst, Orange, Dubbo, Yass etc. He is actually playing in Yass this Saturday night, not sure when he is in Bathurst next.

I will get to it and take a few update piccies for you....and anyone else who wants to look :lol: :P

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 2:57 am
by Mjay
wow, what a shop combo, i also work (although not own lol) in animal supplies, at PetStock in Penrith! needless to say i probly spend more than i make lol, it's not very often that i walk out empty handed :lol: there are always treats and toys to buy for my birds, dogs, cats ect.... maybe we have some of the same Reps? i could rangle one into picking it up for me lol
so do you sell dog/cat premium food aswell? it must be great to work together and be your own boss!

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 4:07 am
by pinkdevil
No we don't stock the "normal" dog/cat pet products. There are 2 other pet stores that deal in that area. We do reptiles and parrot supplies. Yeah I know what you mean about spending the profits on the pets. lol I ordered, and took a few home for my birdies :oops: :lol:, foraging toys. I was all set for "hours of fun and enjoyment for your parrot" toy playing when I gave one of the Lutinos a foraging toy. I let them watch me put the treat in then gave it to them. Before I had time to shut the cage door, one of the ringies has figured out how to get the treat! So much for the 'hours of fun" lol

We have not had any reps come through yet, but yeah, would be fine. :)

Shane runs the shop for most of the day. I have a part time job doing a bread run in the morning and arvo for woollies and coles here. Only a few hours/day but it helps puts food on the table while Shane spends it in the shop lol Business has been slow but we were expecting for it to take awhile to get up and running properly. Doesn't help when we get broken into either. :evil:
About 2 weeks ago, some person/s smashed a window and kicked in the wire grill to gain entry. They jumped on the bird products shelving and knocked it all down and smashing a cage in the process. They went straight for the till, which had no money in it, then stole the most expensive guitar in the shop, before leaving. We were lucky that was all they took and didn't ransack the place. So we lost 1 guitar, 1 cage, 2 days of closure waiting for the cops to do their thing etc. But it could have been worse. Also we are not insured yet. :? Just a bit of a kick in the teeth when struggling from scratch to get a shop started to have this happen. So then we had to spend even more money on replacing the wire grill with jail type window bars and a surveillance system installed.

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 4:34 am
by Fah
I operate from home, has its benefits and its drawbacks. I feel for you pink, some real dead beat skum in our society thats for sure.

Would be fun to see someone try get into some of our setups however... let alone watching them try get out of the place.

Get insuance when you can, easier said than done though I know.

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 11:13 am
by pinkdevil
Thanks Fah :)

It seems there are a few people out there who think that it is their right to take whatever they want instead of geting off their butt and earning it like the rest of us. We got an insurance quote but as we have just started our business, the suppliers want all payments for orders up front for the first few months. So that has made it hard.

We did have Shanes gigs coming in as income to help the shop along, but last winter he got a very bad case of the flu and did quite alot of vocal damage as he kept singing while he had the flu. We are hoping that a month or 2 off from singing might help the throat along. :) He hasn't had a break from singing for about 2 years now.....been too booked out. Which is good but as it's drawbacks phyically lol :)

lol Sounds like your place might be a bit of a challenge to "visit after hours" then lol :P

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 1:49 pm
by Mjay
It really angers me that scumbags just break into places and take what they want :evil: we all work hard (not like some!!), and for you to be starting up a business and have that happen is devistating :cry: I believe in Karma- what goes around comes around :!:
Do you sell URS Reptile Products?
I know that Rep pretty well!
We get our bird products from Kramar, Kongs ect....( others aswell but can't remember, as we stock so many products from different companies)

:D :) :D :) :D :) :D :)

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 2:10 pm
by pinkdevil
I believe in Karma as well Mjay. :) So let' hope they get it soon lol

Yes we stock URS Reptile products. Is your rep Darren by any chance? If so Shane knows him pretty well, a reptile "buddy" :) Darren did say to Shane that next time he is passing through this way (he does Bathurst), he would pop in but we haven't seen him yet lol.

Because we have just started up, we are still sifting through suppliers. Some require a minimum per month or minimum order and we are not able to meet that quota at this stage.

I will take a few pics today and charge up the video camera and take a few more updated videos as well. If I get the time, will upload them today, if not, then in the next few days. :)

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 10:20 pm
by Mjay
Yes our Rep is Darren!!!! i will give him a call soon and see when he is going to be up your way!
Make sure you keep one of those beautiful Lutino's for me :D
Can't wait to see more pic's :D

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 2:41 am
by pinkdevil
Cool that it is Darren, he's a nice guy. I am sure he would deliver the bird for you. :)

I posted new pics and a video link here

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 4:03 am
by julie
I would also go through aust air express too. I got birds sent from Adelaide, Brisbane and lizards sent from brissie, each time it only cost $70. If you are getting a pair and only end up getting 1 from pinkdevil, there is normally a bird sale at castle hill and a couple of others around in Sydney too.

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 4:24 am
by Mjay
Thanks Julie,
Do you know when there on in Castle Hill :?:
And where are the others in Sydney :?:
Any details would be appreciated :D

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 5:01 am
by TD
That is a very good price for handraised lutino's! You won't find that very often Mjay, people try to sell them for more than that untamed. And the bonus is you know th history of the birds, and the good reputation.

Any youtube posts of Shane's gigs PinkDevil??

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 6:05 am
by julie
The castle hill one isn't till July
Here is a link to a calendar

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 3:47 pm
by pinkdevil
TD wrote:That is a very good price for handraised lutino's! You won't find that very often Mjay, people try to sell them for more than that untamed. And the bonus is you know th history of the birds, and the good reputation.

Any youtube posts of Shane's gigs PinkDevil??

Awww...thanks TD :)

No, Shane has not made it to Youtube yet. Will have to charge up that video and take a couple. He has a few demo songs on his site though. :)

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 6:14 pm
by Mjay
Thanks TD & Julie, i will def look into Australia Air Express if i am to get some birds shipped! And Thanks for the link Julie :D