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Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 7:55 am
by SDAnimalKing
I just bought a new puppy and he seems to be getting all the attention right now, which I think is driving my IR to plucking... Im having a hard time managing time for him and Im concerned that It's already to late... He has plucked one of his wings pretty bare, despite my attempts to spend as much time with him as possible.... HELP!

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 3:18 pm
by Fah
Parrots can do this, and it can take alot of work to fix.

Imagine you have two children, and suddenly one gets all the presents, attention etc. It can have a serious effect on someone, parrots are just the same. Parrots can actually sense it far more than most animals.

Its never too late, you just have to make sure it has nothing to stress over. This could mean heavily limited visual contact of you playing with the puppy for a while.

Introducing anything to the family needs to be taken with care with birds, be it a person or pet or other bird and throwing parrots in the deep end can have adverse effects.

There are loads of sites on plucking, whether its information about african greys through to budgies, the same principles apply.

During this time you are going to have to be anal retentive about the feed you give your little fella, as this plucked nature puts alot of stress on the body if it gets cold, and will keep the body constantly trying to regrow feathers it is missing.

I would suggest a very well ballanced diet with mineral+vitamin suppliments in the water, the suppliments are quite cheap really, and last ages.

Your bird is still your lovely pet bird, just with an unfortunate new bad behaviour which by all means, should be able to be conquored with good judgement and quick acting.

Best of luck ^_^