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My new blue is here and already dramas!!

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 3:43 pm
by KellieH
At what is supposed to be a joyous time, I have been very stressed!!

I picked up my new blue male IRN, 3mth old, paid my $$ and left thinking all was hunkydory!!

I let him settle in for a couple of hours and then went and sat next to him which is when I noticed something with his leg.. It was sticking out at a funny angle and I started to think he's maybe dislocated it but it didnt seem to be causing him pain so I was not sure, called the breeder, no answer so I went down to my vet.. Turns out that He has previously BROKEN his leg and it has healed at a 90deg angle!!!!! :shock: :shock: :shock: Also we started to question how 'HAND RAISED' the boy acutally was because he was carrying on like a pork chop!!!

So my elation soon turned to depression............

Anyhow, the vet said that his injury more than likely wouldnt cause him any problems in life and regarding his 'tameness' he'll calm down, I've done it before... Not going to give up on the little fella coz of his leg, he's my little disabled child now!!!

I called the breeder this morning and she was totally unaware and said to bring him back and she'd refund me, but I said i'd keep him, she should have at least offered to give me some of my money back!! I wasnt gutsy enough to ask....

Sorry for the ramble :oops: but I had to tell someone........

So what should have been a day of pure excitement turned within 3 hours............. One word: BEER!!! lol 8)

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 4:00 pm
by Fah
Aww I am sorry to hear about that. I am sure you will provide a great home for the little rascal anyway.

There are alot of breeders who seem to believe in varying degrees of truth, and have highly varied opinions on what a "pet" is when it comes to birds.

Raising birds to get along with anyone and everyone is like an art.. and it takes alot of practice to get a large percentage of your flock to be pet quality in such a regard time after time. If your heart is not in each and every bird reared, there is no chance.

Being a young little fella im sure he will settle in, just time.

I generally dont let someone take one of my birds without a thorough play beforehand. This allows people to check the bird out in every possible way. Birds can sometimes be a little worried about new people, but depending on the breeder you should find true "pet trade" breeders birds are very comfortable with new people. Higher prices come from this however.

For future buyers I would highly recommend a very good inspection of the bird in its breeders environment, talking to it and guaging its receptiveness and attitude before a purchase.

Hope all goes well.

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 4:16 pm
by KellieH
Tanks Fah,

it was one of those things where excitement took over and I just wanted to get home to get the process started... I had phoned my vet and asked for a number but the number given doesnt hand raise so this guy put me onto this other person... It was a bit like a farm for birds or FACTORY should I say.... Ahh well, we all learn hey!! I'll post some pics when I get him back!!

He is also nameless at the moment, was thinking Chachi because I have Fonz already but now thinking Deuce or Ace, let me knwo what you all think!!

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 4:50 pm
by Fah
Chachi or the estranged "spike" I am sure would fit in really well.

Look forward to taking a look, I am sure they are a cutie.

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 5:54 pm
by pinkdevil
Firstly, congrats on your new addition :)

Secondly, how can a breeder who handraises NOT notice that the poor bird had a broken leg????????? I am not sure how long birds bones take to heal, but I assume around the same time as other animals. So it is not something that was not noticable to the breeder. :evil: :evil:

Anyway, gripe over.......good on ya for not returning this little fella. Sure he is in the best possible hands from now on. :)

I am sure you will succeed in taming him back down.

Can't wait to see photos of him. :)

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 6:39 am
by kyria
:( poor little thing .. so glad you have the baby now .. In better hands.

I agree with the interaction before buying thing. The breeder I got my two first boys from had a stack of hand raised babies and would let us visit regularly to play with them all, soon you would see which one was drawn to you and just know that was your baby. :-)

Things will settle down now and you can bond with each other

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 1:57 am
by dannywoods1
hi sorry we carnt offer much advise as we only got a blue IRN ourselves yesterday. I was having a look round the site and read ur post ...... poor little guy ... but it sounds like hes truly in a better place now and hope he/she has settled in nicely :D