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Jibbys new friend the Pidgie!

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 7:47 pm
by Lauren
:D Well, I took Jibby outside again today, just to the backyard, one step at a time. At first he was a little scared and hid under my hair again. But after a couple of minutes of taking it all in. He went for a wonder around the grass! we have a resident Pigeon that is always sitting on our fence. It flew down to the grass to meet the new bird in the neighbourhood! They stared at each other for a few minutes and continued exploring. Ive seen this pidgeon around the yard, and it seems to want to make friends with every bird that lands. :lol: Of course I would not let Jibby go anywhere near the wild bird.. diseases! But he seemed to love the company! Our next step is to take Jibby to the park where all the flocks of parrots are!

Of course I would not let Lola miss out of the fun. I took her out separatly but she was too stressed. So I took her back inside. Maybe next time she will be okay. We'll work on it.

This is such a new experience for them! Jibby has never been outside without the cage before. Lola was in an avary at the breeders when she was a bub, but is still very wary of outside. I thought she'd take to it better than Jibby. But nup, she hated it!

The sun is out alot lately, so we will be having more adventures! Pics coming soon! :D

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 9:24 pm
by SkyBaby
How sweet! I hope they will get along again someday. How's Jibby's foot? can't wait to see the pics!

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 11:54 am
by ryelle
woah, i find it bizarre that you guys take your birds outside lol. we trimmed Spit again a couple of weeks ago now but he can still fly pretty well. he cant pick up too much height but i wouldnt trust him outside lol. knowing my luck hed get insane energy and fly away

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 9:07 pm
by Lauren
:wink: Jibby is feeling better and seems happy. He still wont perch on his foot. But it doesnt seem to bother him all that much. He just seems to hobble around on the one foot, and use his beak to steady himself. I only clipped him because he was flying around trying to land but couldnt and kept falling. So i thought it would be safer for him to be clipped. Im still cleaning his wound with betadine to keep infection out.
As for them going outside, I trust Jibby completely. I know you can never trust an animal 100% but I know his personality. He wouldnt leave mummys shoulder in any new situation. Hes extreemly timid of new situations, and is not the adventurous type at all. He prefers places and things he knows is 'safe'. He hates when Im not in sight and somethings new to him. There has been a couple of times over the years where he was able to fly straight out the door. But never did. He'd actually scream at me to close the door! LOL. Maybe because he sees me make a big fuss about open doors.
Lola on the other hand. I cannot trust much at all. Shes all for explorations and going as far as she can. She is now clipped and cant get far from me. I didnt want her to miss out on the fun. But she didnt like it! I thought shed take to being outside better than Jibby. But I was shocked that she was so stressed! haha. :roll: