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7 month old IRN attack dog, refusing to be petted, etc

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2017 12:56 pm
by CharlotteMcme
We got Bobo when he (not sure of sex yet but we refer to Bobo as a him) was just barely weened from his bottle from our local pet store, we would visit him every day and pet him and talk to him in the month or so before he could come home and he loved it. He begged to be petted and just loved us and everything we did. Now it’s been about five or six months and he refused to be petted and will bite as hard as he can if you try , although he does love to be held especially walking around the house with us on our shoulders or head. But no matter how often/hard we try he HATES being petted. Is this normal?

Another issue is he will literally CHASE our two year old chihuahua around and bites chunks out of him & has Rosco scared to death, we put him back into his cage and won’t let him out for thirty minutes when he does it but he won’t stop and I just don’t know what to do

Re: 7 month old IRN attack dog, refusing to be petted, etc

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2017 3:47 pm
by sanjays mummi
Bobo is obviously semi feral, aviary hatched and parent reared, he is angst biting, as far as he is concerned attack is the best form of defence. Keep him caged until he is thoroughly acclimatised, and has built up more trust, he will feel safe and will realise Rosco has no intention of hurting him.