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Do IRNs mourn?

Posted: Sat May 06, 2017 7:50 pm
by shanc21
I have a female blue IRN of unknown age. She has been in the same room with my elderly peach faced lovebird George. George was 16. George passed away this morning. I've only had the IRN since about August - she was a rescue which is why I don't know how old she is. She layed 3 eggs and just finished sitting on them and getting back to her normal behavior. I'm wondering if the loss of George will have any affect on her. Honestly I do not know that she especially liked him. If anything, I think he was much more interested in being friends with her than vice versa. She is very bonded to me, and when I would hold him, she was noticably jeolous and would sometimes try to nip towards him or even at me mildly (displaced aggression). But still I wonder if they did chat or enjoy each other's company when I was not in the room to spark jealousy. Even if she wasn't especially fond of him, it still is a change - I wonder how it might affect her. Also, I am obviously quite sad right now, and I wonder if she might react to that as well. I hope that she won't be too lonely during the day now while I am gone to work. Thanks for any insight into what I might expect or if I can help her anyway. Maybe she can help me. I miss George. He hatched in my house and I hand fed him. He was a good boy.

Re: Do IRNs mourn?

Posted: Sun May 07, 2017 4:14 am
by sanjays mummi
All animals mourn, parrots often pluck (self harm) when their owner dies, the obvious sign is if she stops eating, it doesn't last as long as human grief, but they can lose condition or succumb to infection. Personally, I would find her another companion asap, there are plenty of birds needing to be rehomed.