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Taming a scared bird?.

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2017 3:21 pm
by New2this
Hello as my user name suggests I am new to keeping birds, we had them as children but that was a long time ago, I stupidly believed patience would win out so didn't think about getting a hand reared bird before hand, so I read a bit about IRN's found a breeder, ordered a cage and bingo I now have Charlie. :D breeder told me the bird was semi tame, omg not at all if I go near he is gone.... I have had him a month, I kept him cage bound for a week and then let him out, first day he got back in his cage in the evening and on the second day as well so I was feeling great about it he is out of the cage all day and caged at night perfect situation, until now when I can't get him to go back at all and I don't want to chase him as he just flight about getting stressed so he is currently " free range" , I sat near his cage everyday and talk to him makes no difference we are no closer to getting close... Any ideas on taming a scared bird who won't come near me or take treats? I really don't like the idea of keeping him cage bound? Could it be the cage is to big arm and I need a smaller one? Current one is for a large parrot

Also he is on a peanut and apple and red grape diet :roll: breeder feed on seed diet but this bird doesn't even eat the seeds just the peanuts, I have tried lots of different veg mashed, liquidised and hanging but no go, I bought Harrisons pellet won't touch them, have no idea how to get him to eat veg and pellets or even seed would be nice at last resort any ideas would be helpful thanks

Re: Taming a scared bird?.

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2017 5:21 am
by sanjays mummi
When Sanjay had a cage he thought was too small he refused to go back in, so it's not the cage size.
Like my bird, yours sounds semi feral, hatched in an aviary and parent reared. I kept Sanjay in his cage for a few weeks when I first had him, and only put my hands inside to clean, and feed. At first he wouldn't eat, but did drink, I started putting pieces of fruit on a skewer and hung it up, he liked it very much, and eats all his fruit and veg this way. They are seed eaters, and like to forage for their seeds, so I give him peppers, washed and whole, which he adores, and loves to bore through to get to the seeds, kiwi, peeled ditto,sweet corn cobs, and seedy fruits, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, in a bowl I put papaya, or small melon halves topped with passion fruit flesh, the reason I stopped hanging passion fruit was because it is messy, Sanjay comes out every day, I clean his cage, and as soon as he sees his fresh rations go in, he goes in.
I also feed walnut halves and roasted monkey nuts, he does have a bowl of seed, the occasional seed bar, and millet, but the majority of their diet is fresh fruit and veg. Sanjay won't eat pellets, or mashed cooked stuff, think fresh and seedy, my Asian market stall sells bitter melon, guava, and other native foods, Sanjay adores lychees (no stones), and boiled chestnuts in their shells, when available. It takes time, lots of it, I've had him seven years, and only recently has he begun sitting on me.

Re: Taming a scared bird?.

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2017 9:16 am
by New2this
Hi thanks for the reply I have hung a screwer but he still just eats some fruits not all he won't touch strawberry and won't eat any veg not even carrot maybe there nothing I can do then other than leave him to it? Caging him doesn't sound like it will help if yours still took seven years?

Re: Taming a scared bird?.

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2017 10:03 am
by sanjays mummi
You're missing the point, I didn't cage him to tame him, ok?, I let him learn to trust me and bond with me, I don't believe in clipping wings, or training birds. Of course your bird is suspicious of new foods, an a aviary breeder doesn't bother to feed the flock in the same way, it would cost too much.
Just keep offering, a bird won't let itself go hungry, Sanjay won't eat carrots, he will eat cauli and broccoli florets, peas, (in their shells), and asparagus spears, one of the first things he took to was melon.

Re: Taming a scared bird?.

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2017 10:24 am
by New2this
I don't think I missed the point i took from your reply that I should just continue offering the foods and hope he will accept them one day. I was just wondering if you meant the free range was ok and that one day he may learn to trust me with the hands off approach.?

Re: Taming a scared bird?.

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2017 11:40 am
by sanjays mummi
Yes, it began with offering walnut pieces through the bars, progressed to kisses Without hands,, now he is au fait with my hands near him, but please don't expect miracles ^#(^

Re: Taming a scared bird?.

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2017 12:19 pm
by AJPeter
People come expecting a miracle cure and when they don't get they get all huffy and we never hear from them again, l was wondering whether Ms Sanjay would mind if l moved in? I quite like the sound of his diet! With all the information that is available on its a pity people do not read more, although l should have taken that advice when I first started!