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Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2005 3:03 am
by Mikaela
Ya'll use the term 'pinned eyes' and my baby has never looked any different in her eyes. Her eyes are just black with no ring. She does have long lashes though :lol: Never knew birds have eylashes, however, I find myself envying hers hehe. She has no ring around her eyes like most of your babies do.

Her eyes always look the same, big... round... black eyes. So, now I must ask: What is pinning and why doesnt India do it?

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2005 10:52 am
by Melika
Hane only pins his pupils when he wants to bite me.

When human eyes are exposed to light, our pupils shrink and they enlarge when we are in the dark. We can't contril them.

Birds though can control the dilation of their pupils, making them larger and smaller at will.

Perhaps India just doesn't want to bite you. ^_^


Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 7:19 am
by Phoenix's mom
phoenix pins his eyes when we are playing. sometimes when he wants to bite, :( when he is dancing as my daughters call it, his eyes pin big time. Do you ever take India out for play time? Phoenix has a toy box with assorted toys for playtime outside his cage. Spoiled brat huh? LOL

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2005 3:41 am
by Mikaela
My girls eyes are completely black, all the time. The entire eye is black, always. Is something wrong with this? She has no pupils to dialate for her eyes are very dark black, always.

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2005 12:07 pm
by Lisa's Tiki
All IRN eyes are all black (you don't see pupils). When they are excited or scared about something the black shrinks rapidly to the size of a pin and the surrounding color is grey/white. Tiki does not do this too much either, mainly if I try and pet him when he doesn't want to be petted, then he acts like he is going to bite me and he will pin his eyes. Also he will do this when he knows I am coming to make him get back inside his cage. I wouldn't think there is anything wrong with India, maybe you just never noticed him doing this or maybe he has never had a reason to pin his eyes around you?

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 6:28 am
by Mikaela
My girl has never done this. She has been pissed and scared but she just lowers her head and opens her mouth as if she is going to lunge. I hope there isnt a medical reason she doesnt do this. Maybe she just never felt that freaked out.

I am going to keep my eyes out, let you know if and when she ever pins. As cocky as she acts, she might not ever feel scared enough. The cat ha! she chases her around and makes her stay in the bedroom, poor kitty. I was worried about the cat, phft, kitty is PETIFIED of that bird. She will walk right over and bite the cats nose as hard as she can and the cat will just sit there in a trace and let her. Beats all I've ever seen. Not to mention her pooping on the cats forhead daily, think the cat would learn after 100/200 times that when she sticks her butt over the side of her playgym she is up to no good, but thats a whole other story.

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2005 8:29 pm
by Melika
The Black is the pupil. The grey you see when the pupil pins is the iris.

I have brown eyes, my iris is brown but the black in the middle is my pupil. I could go on to say the pupil isn't actually black, it's a hole into your head. But that's another topic of conversation, lol. :shock:

Birds can't rotate their eyes. I can look up without moving my head since my eyes rotate. Birds have to do the ever-so-cute head tilt to see above them. That's why they are built to rotate thier heads so far, unlike humans.

Aha, just found an interesting blurb on pinning. I should have looked for it before. ^_~ ... havior.htm

This next one is more extensive, and more medical. ^_^

...nictitating membranes... I've always loved how that sounds when said aloud. :lol: