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First Nail Clipping!

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2016 2:04 pm
by IRNSunny
Today was Sunnys first nail clipping and boy did it go horrible. We havent taught him to go on his back yet because he still bites us and finds a way to fly away and it completely stresses the poor thing out. (At least we feel it does) So we did what we used to do with out Cockatiel, who sadly flew away 2 months ago shortly after we got Sunny, held him in a towel so when he bites it doesnt necessarily hurt. He let out an angry frustrated scream after 2 nails so we gave him a short break with lots of kisses and head rubs. After the short break we wrapped him back up in the towel. Lots or squirming, biting and kicking later, we finished up his nails. He climbed up onto my mothers shoulder and she began to say "I'm sorry baby, I'm sorry." And rubbed his head and he laid his head on her shoulder as if to say "Its okay I forgive you. Kinda."
My poor baby. Hopefully he gets used to it soon so it wont be such a struggle.

Re: First Nail Clipping!

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 5:37 am
by sanjays mummi
I have never had to trim Sanjays talons, Ever. There are three perches in his cage made from rough mineral which keep his talons down. You should be able to purchase these at your pet store, or online. Why put your bird through all that trauma?. Also, if you accidentally nip the quick, a bird can literally bleed out and die from shock in seconds.

Re: First Nail Clipping!

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2016 12:31 pm
by IRNSunny
sanjays mummi wrote:I have never had to trim Sanjays talons, Ever. There are three perches in his cage made from rough mineral which keep his talons down. You should be able to purchase these at your pet store, or online. Why put your bird through all that trauma?. Also, if you accidentally nip the quick, a bird can literally bleed out and die from shock in seconds.
He has clear nails so we can see the quick. (Hes a mutated yellow Indian Ringneck) This isnt our first bird and we've done this plenty of times. I appreciate your concern. We have one of those as well but it doesnt seem to do the job that well for him! His nails still eventually get too sharp.

Re: First Nail Clipping!

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2016 3:44 pm
by sanjays mummi
Clipping encourages them to grow, we used a file on our dogs claws for that reason.