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to exchange or not to

Posted: Sat May 21, 2016 8:22 pm
by valcoff
Hi all, I have a lovely pair of related olive green ring necks. Unfortunately, being siblings, I cannot let them breed and breeding season is soon upon us. Can I have two males in the same aviary, it is 1.5 m wide, 2 m high and 3.5 m long. I also have 5 cockatiels and 4 quail in the same cage. I don't want to put two females in the one cage lest they fight. Will the boys fight. I don't have another cage. If I put my grey girl in there with him, she will kill him. She has done it before. If I had someone to swap her with another girl I would.
Hope someone can help.

Re: to exchange or not to

Posted: Sun May 22, 2016 6:25 am
by sanjays mummi
From what little I know, males will usually tear chunks out of each other where females are sharing quarters with them. If you site the males a good distance from females, they may cohabit quite happily in their bachelor pad. You could also consider keeping one indoors, Personally, I would try the guys in cages next to each other to begin with, and if you are satisfied they are buddies, maybe consider them sharing the same space. =:)