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Need Advice

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 3:43 am
by NewOwner
I just got an IRN baby parrot, I'm not sure of it's age but it does not have any feathers on its head and very little feathers on the rest of its body. How should I keep him warm and how should I care for him in general? I don't know what has to be done and what not to be done. Please advise. :ympray:

Re: Need Advice

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 1:49 pm
by ringneck
If the bird does not have feathers, keep in him/her warm to around 90 degrees Fahrenheit. As the bird feathers out gradually reduce the heat. Feed a hand feeding formula that's warm. If you cannot purchase any, rice cereal will work.

Check this out:

Also, check this out for weaning and socialization.

Best wishes,