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:( I need advice...

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 8:46 pm
by Pioneer
A few minutes ago I noticed Hemi appeared to be stuck on top of his cage. When i went over to him i noticed one of his small toes was wedged the bars between where the sides of the cage joins. He tried to bite me as i tried to help him and he launched himself off the cage only to be dangling in mid air by his 1 little toe that was getting twisted around all sorts of ways :( :( :(

I eventually got him free but now he is limping around and lifting his sore foot up into his feathers. What should I do? is it worth taking him to a vet or something? there is no blood or anything and he doesn't react when I touch his sore toe but I don't know if he has done any permanent damage. =(
I'm really worried, any help/advice would be appreciated.

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 8:55 pm
by Martini101
Ouch! Poor Hemi. I'd go to the vet. I wonder if they'd actually put a cast on it if broke :( .

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 12:27 am
by Lauren
:( Poor lil one! I'd watch him for a while to see if he keeps limping. If he does I'd take him to the vet just incase. Even a little sprain or fracture can cause them alot of pain. Might be some bruising? This is why when looking at new cages, be watchful of bar spacings. Especially the ones that get thinner around joins. Little toes can get caught in alot of things as well as cage bars. Yoda got his toe stuck in between the bars on the pedestal fan I had out for the summer. (Not turned on of course!). But I was lucky! Sometimes Jibbys claws get caught in my clothes, he now expects me to free him, when hes 'attached' to me, this is the only time he lets me touch his toes.
Hope Hemi feels better soon!

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 5:35 am
by Donna
If there is no blood from foot or toenail just keep an eye on him for a few days. there is nothing they can do for broken toe.

My macaw fell from his perch one day and sprained his foot and limped on it for a few days but the more I made over it the more he would limp on it until one day I asked him how his boo boo was and he held up the wrong foot :roll:

If you see any swelling or broken skin by all means take him to a vet.


Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 6:32 am
by Lene
Poor little birdy...

I would also wait and see, like others have said there's little the vet can do. Hope he gets better soon.

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 5:29 pm
by Pioneer
thanks a lot for all the replies. It has really taken some of the worry away to know that its not a situation that requires the vet immediately. i'll keep everyone posted on how he goes anyway, but i do hope he will be okay. he still rests on it sometimes like he is right now - he's still eating fine and playing fine, so he's definitely not stressing. Hemi is a little tender footed in moving around, but my logic told me that if it was causing him so much pain, he wouldn't use it at all and he would show other signs in his behaviour.

In fact it appears I'm more worried than he is :)

Thanks again for all the posts, and Donna, your story about your Macaw make me laugh. Cheeky bird :)

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 12:22 pm
by wannabe
My bird just got his toe caught in top of my laptop while I was reading this.. ugh!! It was in the clip slider just under where he sits on the top.. Ugh!! Now he is holding his foot up but it's the wrong one!! :?
I hope Hemi is feeling better... It sure does make your heart go!!

(I just noticed in my avatar you can see to the left where he got his foot caught) He loves sitting on there and being close too :(

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 5:57 am
by Pioneer
I hope your birds foot is feeling better now wannabe. hes such a nice looking bird too! I like your avatar. How strange it is that he hurt his foot right as you read a post about Hemi.

Hemi's foot is a little better now I think, he is still favoring it but at least hes using it more than before. Thanks goes out to everyone who advised me :)

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 1:45 pm
by wannabe
I'm sorry Hemi is still a bit sore I could not believe mine got stuck right then either he does seem quite prone to getting his toes caught in things though that's for sure. :(

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 11:06 am
by Pioneer
Hemi's foot seems to have made a full recovery now. He no longer seems to be in any pain and can use it like normal :) So I'm happy.

I really like your avatar Wannabe :D