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Quite concerned your feedback is much appreciated

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2016 5:52 pm
by Jungle
Hi I've a 4yr old ringneck, he has been quite well and normal other then having a bold spot under its throat please see pic attached.

Recently our neighbours son took our bird to their friend who is a vet for his first full check up but he brought the bird back saying that the vet has suggested the reason he is picking his feathers from his neck is due to the fact that he has chewed or swallowed a foreign object and this is causing him a sore throat as the foriegn object has stuck in his digestive tract and hence thats why he is picking his feathers.

Im wondering if this can be the case? As he is eating normally and pooping normally and he is active.

He had this condition for over 6 weeks or so since he started moulting.
Though we can see some pin feathers developing under his neck.
I've seen him preening those feathers and overall body but haven't seen him picking or plucking them.
Looking forward to hearing your feedback, should I seek a second opinion as I don't want the poor bird to be placed under the stress of x-rays and treatment also vets are expensive. Thanks heaps

Re: Quite concerned your feedback is much appreciated

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2016 11:56 pm
by ringneck
I would definitely get a second opinion as I highly doubt something is stuck inside his crop. In fact, if you look at the picking pattern it's under his chin all the way down to his breast.

My Osiris is a feather mutilator and I have spent so much time trying to figure out what's causing the problem. Vet tests perfect, tons of toys, and yet he still continues to occasionally mutilate his feathers on his chest area.

What I have done, and this has been successful, is to keep a journal of objects and food items that might cause an allergic reaction or allergy. Use the method of process of elimination. For example, I give Osiris a white rice based diet and offer fruits and vegetables one at a time over the weeks. Once he starts to pick I immediately remove that item and log down the culprit. It seems as of now he cannot handle too much fat in his diet or nuts.

Two years into treating Osiris I still haven't found the answer 100%. Trial and error, trial and error, trial and error, trial and error-do I sound like a broken record? :lol: :lol: :lol: That's the key to beating this ailment!

Also, the difficult thing about feather picking is that if the ringneck does not remove the shaft of the feather, then it takes a year to regrow. That being said, it takes time to see the results of your hard work. Look at the thread I have started about Osiris, perhaps this will lead you in the right direction?

But again, I would get a second opinion by a certified avian vet. I hate to say it, but if an object is indeed inside his crop, an X-ray will rule it out.

Best wishes,


Keep us updated! :) ... 28&t=19508

Re: Quite concerned your feedback is much appreciated

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2016 12:44 am
by Jungle
Thanks Imran appreciated. So you don't think that he has a foreign object in his digestive system and that his throat is sore and that's the reason he is picking. I sent even say for sure if he is picking as I've never seen his picking. If he was picking don't you think it should have been bold? I see some pin feathers growing

Re: Quite concerned your feedback is much appreciated

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2016 12:45 am
by Jungle
Thanks Imran appreciated. So you don't think that he has a foreign object in his digestive system and that his throat is sore and that's the reason he is picking. I sent even say for sure if he is picking as I've never seen his picking. If he was picking don't you think it should have been bold? I see some pin feathers growing

Re: Quite concerned your feedback is much appreciated

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2016 4:31 am
by sanjays mummi
Firstly, Im amazed your vet didnt fit an Elizabethan collar to prevent further self harm, from what I saw during a visit to a parrot rescue centre, this is definitely plucking. I always advocate Seeded grapes, And "Feather Up" which you can purchase on line,