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Alex my parrot

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 2:14 am
by mihai
I am from Romania
and this is my IRN:Alex

But,he bite me very bad

What I can do he don`t bite me ,and make friend whit he?

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 1:15 pm
by pinkdevil
Hi mihai :)

Is Alex a handtamed or handraised bird??? And depending on his age to. I have found that IRNs tend to go through a "nippy" stage....kinda like the "terrible two" syndrom :lol: How long have you had Alex for?

You could try rewarding him with his fav toy or treat when he doesn't bite or distract him from biting using the treats. Or sometimes he may just want to be alone and not be touched. Watch his body language and see what mood he is in (good or bad mood).


Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 1:48 pm
by Grelo
Yes like Pinkdevil said they go throu a bluffing stage,there is a link her somewhere.....that should answer your question,great to see Alex also :)

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 3:58 am
by mihai
I had alex from this Christmas

I think he has 7-8 mounth,and he is from a pet shop ,no farm.And he/she no have a ring.

You can say me :what is it?
male or female?

And I have one more question:IF he is friend with me,and I go with he out,he fly(bye-bye) ,or stay with me?


Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 4:00 am
by mihai
aa,and Alex arisen a wide ring in neck

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 9:20 am
by mihai
you can answer the questions please?how I can make he\she stay my finger and don`t bite me.

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 12:54 pm
by pinkdevil
The only sure way of knowing whether Alex is male or female is to either wait till he/she is old enough for a ring to show if male when they have matured. I have heard peoples birds showing signs of a male ring at 12 months of age but I think anywhere between 12-18 months old. Or have your bird DNA or surgically sexed.

For your second question.....YES, Alex WILL fly away if the wings are not clipped or not wearing a harness when you take him/her outside. No matter how tame he/she is, all it takes is a fright and he/she is gone.

Not biting your finger will take time and patience. You need to gain Alexs' trust with gentle training. Just take things slow. Besides ALL birds bite at some stage. I have a range of birds from Conures, Galahs, Rainbow Lorikeets, to Cockateils and obviously IRNs and ALL will bite if they are in a cranky mood.
Maybe if your bird is out of his/her cage you could try putting your finger under the chest (just above the legs)and press gently, asking Alex to "stepup" in a firm voice. If he/she lunges or bites try not to pull away as then you have just shown that you are scared and Alex has dominated you. Say "NO" or "STOP" or some other command you want to use and maybe use food or toys as distraction to help take the focus of your fingers. When Alex does stop, tell him/her "good bird" and reward immediately. Don't wait or he/she will not associate not biting and good behaviour with reward. You will need to do this EVERYTIME to train Alex to not bite. Also when you ask Alex to "stepup" don't show fear or hesitate as birds can pick up on that.
This method has worked for me, might work for you to.

Good luck with Alex


Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 1:26 am
by mihai
ok ,

thank you very much