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Regurge in 1 year IRN male

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 2:14 pm
by glassbella12
Hi, I've just noticed my boy attempting to feed me and found regurge on night cage perch. Is this about the age for this to start? Is he testing me as to find me as a mate? What I've done in the meantime is more step ups, less beak kisses, plus I never touch anything other than head. He has a night cage(12 hours sleep) and 1 cage in main area, plus gets transferred to upstairs play stand with solitary time, then another room with play stand for our one on one time- usually couple hours. What else should I be doing? Don't want regurge all over perches and toys(happened with my Eclectus) He also has lots of toys, and basically I keep his beak busy. Any advice please?

Re: Regurge in 1 year IRN male

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2016 1:09 pm
by MissK
My bird has a feeding thing. It's seasonal and I can't stop it. I tried manipulating the light and diet. Now he has a friend and he fed the friend a little. I had to split them up recently because his tail was getting messed up - not wanting to find out the hard way if it would get worse. So now he's back feeding stuff a little.

Re: Regurge in 1 year IRN male

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2016 1:25 pm
by glassbella12
Thank you Miss K; don't know how old your baby is, this is our first winter season. I'm really hoping for more responses on this-thanks again for your response. I just felt like maybe this is a test or maybe he's getting too close. I'm his only contact and I won't be getting him a playmate

Re: Regurge in 1 year IRN male

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2016 9:15 pm
by MissK
He's not conducting a test. :lol: If he were feeding YOU then that would probably indicate an overbonding situation. That's not to say he can't overbond with stuff in the cage, but if he's bound to do it then you can't stop him. Rocky fed his favourite toy. I was advised to remove it, and I did. Then he fed a different toy. I removed it. Fast forward, he ended up feeding the bars of the cage. So, if there is something cheap and easily replaced that your bird will feed, I suggest you let him and then just swap it out for a new one frequently. The regurge can be cleaned off but it is a little gross.

Additionally, you may notice a significant increase in food use. I say use because it's not really eaten and sustaining the bird. He will just leave it around the cage. Given a normal ration, Rocky used up all his food (used to have leftovers) and looked for more. I increased the feed because I was worried he's be going hungry. He used everything I gave him. Then I went back to normal feeding, hoping a reduction in resources would break the behaviour. Didn't work either. Then I cut the normal ration (remember, there were leftovers before) and that didn't work. Then I carefully let him go on a ration I knew was not enough food and watched to see if he would stop feeding stuff or go back and eat his own regurge. That's right, I said it - I let him go hungry on purpose surrounded by regurgitated food. He did consume some of the regurge but he didn't stop the behaviour. In the end I was more concerned that he get enough to eat, so I give him all he seems to need and there is some mess.

Re: Regurge in 1 year IRN male

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2016 5:14 pm
by glassbella12
Thank you again Miss K, for your response. How old was Rocky when this started? So, if I can assume it is just seasonal now, and he still feeds toys etc, just occasionally then?

Re: Regurge in 1 year IRN male

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2016 11:22 pm
by MissK
For Rocky it seems to be seasonal. He was 10 when I got him, so no idea when it started or if it started here.