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Smokey got jealous today

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 1:40 am
by laine
Today Smokey started yelling at my boyfriend, Brett. We were having a cuddle on the couch and Smokey came over to us. I started really playing along and making loud kissing noises just as I do when I ask Smokey for a kiss. Brett played along with it, we thought it was really funny. Smokey started squawking and yelling at Brett. His body movements were aggressive and motioned in Brett's direction. Smokey flew to my shoulder and everytime Brett made a slight move toward me, Smokey yelled. OMG he was jealous. I know this could be seen as protective but I don't think so. You see, he likes Brett. He will play with him, step up and wave for him. He loves to share icy poles with him and play games. He will even chat for Brett. So this is a real jealousy situation. When i moved away from Brett with Smokey on my shoulder, he quietened down. As soon as Brett came over to me to give me a kiss, Smokey would start up again. It was so out of character yet funny. We did stop teasing him as I was worried he would either bite Brett or get too upset or agressive. I also didn't want him to be annoyed with me. :lol:

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 2:32 pm
by nil
i think you have 2 boyfriends laine :lol:
Every day when i return of my work i put lazaros out of his cage and leave him free to fly and play with me.
if my wife come with us, lazaros go to her and begin to bitting her , so she is gone after that and finall stay i and lazaros alone :lol:

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 11:16 pm
by Lauren
:lol: Yep, I think Smokey is telling Brett whos more important. hehe

Jibs only talks to my partner when its sleep time, but if I go and talk to him when hes sleeping, he grumbles at me. Funny how they 'play' us. :roll: