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please help

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2016 6:50 pm
by Renee
hi i have taken my brothers bird off him as his wife didnt like him and kept him locked in a shed all day and night. He now is in my house at night time i move him into his own bedroom and when i get up in the morning he is moved into the kitchen. I put him in front of the window so that he can see out. he was fine for a while but now he shakes and he it plucking his feathers out. I have changed his food because he was not on the right food. He is still eating and walks around the bottom of his cage to eat the corn cob that i put in there. He loves his apples as well. I have never owned a bird in my life but i could not let him live like that but i do not know how to help him now. I know have moved him from the window to the bench beside the window so he still gets a breeze but the iother birds cannot see him. i also have a cover over half of his cage now. I am not sure if this is the right thing or not. Can someone please help me fix him.

Re: please help

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2016 9:20 pm
by MissK
Hi Renee, and welcome. My gut says you may be killing him with kindness, so to speak. It sounds like he has a lot of activity. Maybe if you place him in a nice, big cage, against a wall, in a medium to slow activity area of the house (not a no activity area, tho -- too still), treat him gently, and feed him well, then he may have a chance to adjust.

Why don't you tell us a little about what goes on in the house?

Re: please help

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 6:12 pm
by Renee
Sorry i thought i replied back yesturday. I live alone with two staffys. Buddy is now on the window beside the window. I was just trying to make him happy after what he had been though. I though i was doing something wrong. thanks so much for this. he has lost all hs colour he now is a pale blue i am trying to get it back but it taking a bery long time. I guess that was caused from beening locked in the shed. he has his own room at night time i carry him to and cover him up. I never knew anything about them untill i started reading on here. He such a good bird. can you please give me any info that i need to know i really know nothing about them. He has apples and carrots he loves them. I just dont want to hurt him if you get what i mean. once again thanks so much

Re: please help

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2016 11:57 am
by sanjays mummi
You could give him a vitamin or mineral supplement, and shut in a shed, he wouldn't have had adequate sunlight, or vitamin D. Millet would distract him from plucking, and grapes which contain seeds will help. Your bird may also feel nervous of your staffies too, so don't allow the staffs too near him. A large cage will help, especially if it's big enough for him to fly and flit about in just let him settle in, for now, doing the minimum, until he gains confidence. Shut away as he was, he wasn't socialised.

Re: please help

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2016 4:49 pm
by MissK
Since he started plucking while with you, can you figure out what changed that he maybe didn't like?