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Always flying to me?

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 5:14 am
by CharlieBird
Hi! I'm a total newbie with ringnecks and Charlie is my very first. He/she (not sure of the sex but the previous owner thinks might be a girl) has been with me for just under a week and was completely hand-reared. Charlie steps up onto me with no issue, and often seems to want to be on my hand or shoulder but often bites for seemingly no reason? According to Charlie's previous owner, Charlie was a bite free bird, but with me for example, sometimes Charlie will be sitting on my hand and I'll be still and Charlie will then start "investigating" my hand with his/her beak. I am going to try taking Charlie off me and putting Charlie on a perch every time it happens because I can't bear the pain and hope this helps curb the behaviour.

The main thing I can't seem to find any info on though is that Charlie always wants to be on me when he/she's out of the cage, which is charming but sometimes I really worry about safety – for example, I was doing the dishes tonight and running some really hot tap water and I was worried that if Charlie flew too close to hand I might scald her! Is there a way I can discourage Charlie from flying to me unless I call?

Re: Always flying to me?

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 8:06 am
by MissK
Maybe you can have a mobile play perch, loaded with a toy or two, a treat bowl, and a clip for a hunk of fresh food. You might be the favourite perch by default. Providing an alternative might help.