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IRN coming soon! (I hope!)

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 6:46 am
by BigChicken
This is Kiley, our Sun Conure doing the two things Suns do best, screaming because, well, just because, and showing a ton of attitude. Note the puffy marshmallow head. That means how dare you pay attention to any other bird.
This is Lucky the little Brown Throat. He’s my little butty. (buddy + Butt head = butty)
I think he may be the smartest bird in the universe. He has a sense of humor and loves to play games. Don’t sneeze, cough, laugh, talk loud, whistle, open a squeaky door, or bark like a dog, you will get imitated (mocking I might add). Note Kiley in the background tearing the stuffing out of her fluffy bird buddy that’s tied to her door because I’m paying attention to her arch enemy Lucky.

Mickey is a Miniature Macaw. She was completely plucked clean on her back and all of her chest. It took about six months, but with a lot of work we got almost all of her feathers to come back on her chest. It’s been about two years now, and there’s just a little thin spot you can see in this PIC taken right after a bath. Mickey has quite a sense of humor as well. She loves to wolf whistle, yell hello, and occasionally bark like a puppy or let out a very convincing meow. She is a little afraid of hands, but loves attention!

In a few hours we are scheduled for a home inspection for our fourth bird adoption, Norma Jean, a beautiful IRN!


I have been so excited about our IRN adoption, I completely forgot about the rest of our family!
This is Percy. Oh yah, I keep forgetting, she’s not real….
These are our little lizards. Three uromastyx and Chucky, the chuckwalla. I think Chucky doesn’t know he’s a little different! It’s very unusual to see a chuckwalla in captivity at all, let alone living with other species. They have lived together for about five years now, we adopted them three years ago. They are strict vegetarians, eating mostly collard greens with some fruit and veggies. There are two unusual facts about both species; they can tolerate seeds as part of their regular diet. Not only can they tolerate seeds, but the uromastyx require them for good health. The other strange fact, being desert dwellers (mostly) they NEVER drink water. These guys haven’t had one sip their entire lives!
A good shot of Chucky just checking out the camera.
Got room for one more? We use tissue boxes for them to sleep in. In the wild they wedge into crevices and puff up if disturbed. They all jam into one box every night.

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 7:01 am
by julie
Cool 8) I hope it all goes well and Norma jean comes to live with you guys. :D

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 1:21 pm
by nil
so lovely birds :)
with good to come Norma Jean.
She (?) will be so lucky to stay with you.
i think you have more other animals, have you photo of them?

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 2:54 am
by BigChicken
Yes, Nil, IRN is a she. My wife and I have been walking around humming "candle in the wind" (Elton John song about Maryln Monroe AKA Norma Jean)
I added PICs of our other guys as an edit, I'm still having trouble staying loged on occasionally making it hard to answer questions to my posts. It only happens once in a while, and on two diffrent computers. Not too anoying, I'm getting use to it!

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 7:45 am
by Dani03
Can't wait to see pics of the new addition!

Love the current fids...what an awesome flock!

Lizards are very cool 8)


Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 11:57 am
by nil
the little monsters are splendid :lol:
thanks for sharing

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 6:20 am
by Lauren
Aww! What a family! Norma Jean is going to be soo happy!

You are too funny. Percy is real! :shock:

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 9:25 am
by Melika
I enjoy seeing everyone's pets. You work hard to keep everyone happy in your home, even though different and some must be kept separate. Kudos to you. :D

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 12:31 am
by alana8819
i LOVE your lizards i am a reptile fanatic i had a childrens python who i loved sooooooo much she somehow escaped out of her apparently escape proof home i found her a month later dead i cried for about 2 hours. i havent gotten another snake just yet as i now just dont have time but my little brother in law has a central bearded dragon called jet she is beautiful i'd love to see more pics how lucky you are

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 3:16 am
by BigChicken
Reptiles where my first love, so to speak… Brings back both good and bad memories. The wife and I were involved in the local herpetological society. We did rescues and helped with adoptions. At one time (before the parrots) we had eight iguanas two juveniles and six large adults, four uromastix, One chuckwalla, a water snake, two Colombian boas (4’ & 6’), three milk snakes (and babies), Four gray rat snakes, one rainbow boa, two adult king snakes (and babies), two Asian water dragons, three Savanna monitors, and a eighteen foot long Burmese python ….. and probably a few I’m forgetting.
Turned into a long nightmare. The large monitors and one of the boas we adopted carried two of the most dreaded diseases that reptiles can have. The snake had IBD (inclusion body disease), and the monitors had reptilian cryptosporedium. Even with quarantine, all of our animals contracted the decreases, except for the uroes and chuck that we still have today. Both viruses can lay dormant for years. From the first to the last slow death took over a year. Nothing could be done, despite desperate attempts by our vet. I got quite good at taking blood samples, giving injections, and force feeding. We even had new drug compounds made with AIDS drug compounds for a last ditch effort. Every day coming home from work hoping that your loved pet either show some sign of improvement, or would be dead to end it’s suffering was horrible. I’ll never forget holding my Spiky (large lovable iggy) as she died. I actually kept a shovel next to the front door.
We have the undesirable honor of having a tissue sample of one of the monitors in the Smithsonian as the worst known case of reptilian cryptosporedium.

It took a long time to come to terms with the fact that through our attempt to help these unwanted animals, we had unintentionally caused their painful deaths.
On this site (generic) I put some of my paintings and sculptures that I did back when we were still involved in the pet trade. Looking back , I guess it was a kind of therapy. I no longer maintain the site, but every once in a while I go there just to … look around and remember the good stuff, before the nightmare.
A few years later we started adopting the birds. We are so cautious, although we except that so much is out of your hands. Just do the best you can.
********************* EDIT ******************
I just read my own post… Wow I sound so depressed! Truth is that I’m actually quite a happy person with a oversized humor gland. Thinking about the reptiles, and seeing the other PICs of iggies stirrs stuff up, good and bad. I’m OK.

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 5:48 am
by nil
i am so sad about your troubles.
it is too difficult to live such bad moments, to have the animals (not only human too) who love in such bad condition, try with all your power to cure them, but finnaly lost them. life is too hard!
i had my 10 yo dog with canser ( sarcoma) from may until september that lost her. i did everything i can but with no good results. I cant forget her, neither my first ringneck losted before a year. They will be live forever in my soul.
i hope the best for us and ours lovable animals and wish you to be ok and huppy forever!

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 10:21 pm
by alana8819
thats horrible :cry: i feel for you i lost my german shepard a week before christmas two years ago i had him since i was three had to get him put down as he had really aggressive cancer and debilitating arthritis it was probably two weeks after that i found my beautiful snake bohdi dead :cry: nothing ever replaces them but cookie has taken up a big spot in my heart and made me very happy :D i'll never own another dog but i have wanted a pot belly pig for years so i'll get one of them eventually

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 10:01 pm
by bec
i lost my dog in feb losing a loved pet is never easy but because my kids are so wonderful they bought me my beautiful kieron to fill the hole left in my life they did think about getting me a dog first but when they saw how cute riku is and how much i love the blue irns they chose to get me him instead
big chicken i was once told after i lost a kitten i had rescued from liver rupture "ok so his death was bad but if it wasnt for you oberon would have died without ever knowing what is was like to have a good & loving home' you have given this to all your pets too and an oversized humour gland is a nessity in this life i too have this condition

i dont suffer from insanity i enjoy every minute of it!!!!!!!