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Wild and untamed IRN with a swollen eyelid needs help

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 5:28 am
by rahil74
Hi All, I'm new to this forum and birds and have been reading a few taming threads. So, me and my wife got this 2 wild and un-tamed, about 8 months old Indian Ringnecks about a week ago (our first), who are really scared and are in the same cage. We are following steps to tame them and we are allowing them to take their time and get acquainted with us. I'm planning to separate them in different cage because they fight often.

Well one hits the other and now the IRN being hit has a swollen eyelid. I'm not entirely sure if that was caused due to a fight between them or something is stuck in its left eye (right eye appears to be normal). After re-searching on the internet about this, we decided to put just a single drop of aloe juice in its left eye; and since they are really scared of hands, I tried to grab it with a towel and after a few attempts, I grabbed him and he went aggressive, started biting all over the towel and my hand (they didn't do that since we got 'em). Eventually, we were not able to put the aloe juice in its left eye at all and I kept it back inside the cage. I'm also thinking of taking them to a vet, but this experience forced me to re-think it and actually come out on this forum seeking help as well. How do you get 'em to a vet, in these strange and scared situation for both of us? There is a remote possibility of a vet visiting us.

Also, I heard that a bath can alleviate such a condition, but they rarely drink water. Any suggestions? Ideas?

Re: Wild and untamed IRN with a swollen eyelid needs help

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 12:08 pm
by AJPeter
My alex hen on a vist to the vets came back with a swollen and red eye and she kept rubbing it , which made it worse so l distracted her for a few days and gradually it healed without any medication.

They get most of their moisture from food, fruit and veg but they do not drink much, as for baths try misting first and sit by the cage with it closed and eat your meals there they love sharing meal times.

Re: Wild and untamed IRN with a swollen eyelid needs help

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 12:17 pm
by MissK
Hi. It is very stressful for both the bird and the human when we try to handle scared IRNs. However, in a situation where the bird clearly needs medical attention, the thing to do is take care of business. It's regrettable that the experience may be upsetting all around, but the situation demands you go to the vet. Eyes are nothing to mess around with.

You can probably find instructions on You Tube for handling the bird in a towel. If the bird is loose and going all over the room, you might need to throw a sheet over it to slow it down. In such a case, you would have to place your smaller towel over the bird as it is under the sheet and pick the whole mess up together. (Note to those hoping to catch their bird on the ground or a low bush outside, this is a nice trick to know.) Essentially, you place the towel over the bird's back and head, and pick it up from behind. You stabilize the head gently between two fingers to limit the bird's reach for biting. **You never restrict the movement of the chest, as they need their chest to move in order to breathe.** You should have the transport cage right next to the place where you pick up your bird, with the door open and already water inside. You pop the bird into the transport cage and shut the door. Then you go to the vet. It's the vet's problem to get the bird out of the transport cage, examine it, treat it, and return it to the transport cage. **You should alert the vet that the bird is not tame when you make the appointment.** Don't worry about it, as the vet has handled this many times before. Watch and learn how they do it. Ask questions. Once you return home from the vet, you can get the bird out of the transport cage the same way the vet did, or else match up the doorway to the home cage doorway and have someone else shoo the bird into the home cage.

Best wishes and let us know how it works out.

Re: Wild and untamed IRN with a swollen eyelid needs help

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 7:55 am
by rahil74
Thanks MissK and AJPeter for your quick advice. We took him to Vet today and he gave a few medicines and vitamins to mix with water. We have a follow up visit scheduled after 3 days. Will keep you posted.

Re: Wild and untamed IRN with a swollen eyelid needs help

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 9:15 pm
by MissK
And did they teach you how to handle the bird?

Re: Wild and untamed IRN with a swollen eyelid needs help

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2015 3:38 am
by rahil74
Unfortunately no. The vet insisted that we don't touch them at all. :(
Per your suggestions, I did watch a few videos on handling and then took em in the transport cage. It wasn't frightful as the first time. I hope we get along better.

Re: Wild and untamed IRN with a swollen eyelid needs help

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2015 8:52 am
by MissK
I understand the vet might not want you to handle the bird as well as their self during the visit, and I hope that's the extent of their not wanting you to touch him. I must opine you have the right and obligation to be able to handle your own bird on your own circumstances. If he gets out and simply must be retrieved, is that vet going to come along to your house to help? Are they going to smack your fingers if you sit in your own house and eat a steak with a salad fork? :o

I'm glad you got the transport cage done well. Keep up your "education" on bird handling so when the time comes you must act, you will already have the theory well in place. Also, if you know someone with a more confident bird, maybe you can ask to learn to handle theirs? I grew up with the occasional demand that I go and catch an escaped canary. My mom had canaries, and they sometimes got out or needed their nails trimmed, but my mom was afraid to touch them. None of them were ever tame, and I realized they are not so powerful as Ringnecks, but it went well for me as a child. If you're knowedgeable, calm, confident, and gentle, I'm sure you can handle your bird *when the situation warrants*.

Re: Wild and untamed IRN with a swollen eyelid needs help

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 3:03 am
by rahil74
:) Point understood.
I'll be on a lookout for someone with a more confident bird near by with a few social forums and learn more.

I can tell from your posts you seem to have a very good experience with birds in general. As a child, they always amazed me and I never got one as a pet until recently, when my wife insisted and I realized that's one item off of my bucket list. And my experience so far with my IRNs is great, they are a joy to be around. I have learnt a bit about their body language and their likes and dislikes. One is really vocal while other is still under stress (he has diarrhea and is on supplements from the vet). I hope the bond and joy get stronger as day pass.

Re: Wild and untamed IRN with a swollen eyelid needs help

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 3:44 am
by InTheAir
I hope he is making a speedy recovery.
Check out this for some "taming" theory, it worked for me. ... l-parrots/